Chapter 2: Jason

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After watching Reyanna leave, Jason returned back to his room to get ready for his first class. He really hated this philosophy class, but since it was mandatory, he always had to force himself to go. Coach did not allow skipping, and if he found out (which he always found out), then that meant an extra hour at practice. An hour he couldn't afford to waste. Jason much preferred his math classes to psychology. In fact math was his favorite subject. Everything just made sense with math, you get an equation, use the formula and you came up with the answer. There was always a definite answer, not a bunch of theoretical bull like philosophy. Jason grabbed his Nike book bag and put his philosophy book inside, grabbed a protein bar for later out of his snack bin, and headed towards the kitchen. As he got to the kitchen he saw Austin already making a protein shake, and Michael making a sandwich. He really didn't feel like dealing with Michael again after earlier today, but being roommates he knew there was no way to avoid it.

"Hey man you ready for practice today," said Austin as he started to put the cap back on the whey protein. Austin and Jason had both accepted football scholarships to Brown University and since starting Jason's freshman year they had made names for themselves and were nicknamed "Double Trouble". Out on the field, you would think they shared one mind because of how they completed the plays, each one showing up at the right time for the other and making game changing routes. Their first game of the season the quarterback, Peyton Phillips, had told Jason to run a go route, and for Austin to run a slant. Instead, Jason, after reading the field, ran a post so that he would stack on top of Austin and after Phillips overthrew to Austin, Jason was in the perfect position to catch what would have been an interception and Austin was able to block for him running all the way to the end zone. After about five more similar plays the team started referring to them as "Thing 1 and Thing 2", and the coach was able to incorporate their capabilities into plays that led the team undefeated for the rest of the season.

"Yeah man it's perfect weather, and hey leave the lid off I haven't made my shake yet," replied Jason as he grabbed a banana. He had always read that the potassium in bananas helped against catching cramps, yet every day at practice he had caught one. At this point he wasn't even sure why he grabbed a banana in the morning. Maybe he actually liked them, but whatever the reason it had become a part of his routine. "I know right," said Austin as he plugged in the blender. "I love this time of year! It's right before the pollen starts messing with my allergies and still cold enough to get a Pumpkin Spice Latte from Starbucks," said Austin in a sarcastically mocking voice. "Uh, Austin you ok," said Michael with his eyebrows up in suspicion. He was in the living room finishing up some homework assignments he had forgotten to do the night before.

"I was mocking your sister man," as he said with a chuckle and turned on the blender. "She's been saying that for the past two weeks talking about  she almost won't be able to wear her boots, and I promise you if she says one more thing about Pumpkin spice lattes I'm going to hurl," he said making a gagging expression. "Whatever man, you know as soon as she asks you for one you'll be standing in line to get her a venti pumpkin spice latte-," "two-percent, light whip, extra drizzle," chimed in Jason and Austin, and the boys all busted out in laughter. "Hey Jason, after practice you wanna head to the activity center and run a game with the guys? Let's show those guys what Thing 1 and Thing 2 are capable of on the courts," said Austin pouring is shake in his bottle and grabbing his bag. "No can-do Austin, got some errands I have to run afterwards. But I'll catch you later all right?" "Where're you off to," questioned Michael with a suspicious look? "You meeting up with Reyanna again to find more secrets to keep from me?"

"Michael I told you man it's not like that, she just-," "I don't want to hear it," interjected Michael as he stormed for the front door. "Luckily for you Austin, you're dating our sister, otherwise he'd probably be after Michelle next." And with that Michael went out the door and slammed it closed after him. "Yo, what was that all about," asked Austin with a baffled look? "Nothing, it's a long story, I'll catch you at practice alright," Jason said, and before Austin could answer he was out the door as well.

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