Chapter 27

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Fukuzawa pov

I was in the hospital about to enter Dazais room, when I saw two nurses and his doctor enter before me. I knew, that Ranpo and Yosano were already there and there was no need fr me to come, but I couldn't stop myself, while I considered Ranpo as something like my son, the ''child'' I saved , I considered Dazai as son as well. Dazais living situation was my responsibility, It was my job to save him, which I failed terribly.

I walked inside the room, Dazai- no right then I couldn't call him that, Osamu was awake. By now he registered what was going on around him clearly, he couldn't be awake for long, but he did start to talk, even if it's only small barely recognisable words, he was speaking. The coughing was still there though, sadly it would take a while to clear.

I greeted the doctor and the two nurses and walked up to the bed, where Yosano and Ranpo were around Osamus bed.

''President? What are you doing here?'' Yosano asked
''I couldn't stop myself. They want to move him in a different room and I ... I left him alone once, I can't allow myself to do that again.'' I answered. Yosano, who knew most of the story, nodded amd Ranpo looked at me with expression of slight regret.

Then I turned my Attention to the person on the bed

''Hello Osamu'' I said, slightly hesitant, as I hadn't called him by his first name in a long time.
''H-'' He began but started coughing along the way. Yosano quickly sat him up and removed the oxygen mask. I was about to protest as to what they were thinking, when I saw Ranpo reach for a half filled glass of water. He put it to Osamus lips and helped him drink. Before Yosano was able to put the oxygen mask back on, I saw him struggle breath on his own.

'''' He muttered exhausted from the coughing.

I sat down at the edge of his bed.
''It's ok, it's alright, please don't apologise anymore.'' The last part I mainly sad, because Yosano and Ranpo had told me, that he kept apologising for everyything.

''Mhm...'' I heard the doctor behind me clear hi throat.
''I would like to being,'' He said.

They all nodded and stepped away from the bed. With that Dazai was being moved into a different room.

A week later
Atsushi pov

It had been weeks and Dazai was still unable to stay awake for longer, that three hours, he couldn't eat by himself, and only ever drank less than one glass of water a day. But he was improving. He could speak better and breath on his own.

Fukuzawa and I were with him in the hospital ofthen, today as well.

''ALright, I've bit my toungue until now, but I need to know. Do you remember the first time we met?'' Fukuzawa began, from what I knew, he wanted to get light into what happened before they met each other. And since everyone knew, that no one could manipulate Dazai or 'interrogate' him without his knowledge, so the president seemed to have decided to just go straight forward.

''You mean... how I end-ended up.... in that street- *cough*- corner.... infront of the mafia entrance.....'' Dazai answered with his own question, his voice was severely damaged and he couldn't breath evenly enough to form a fluent sentence, but it was enough.

''Yes'' He answered
''My father... I think..... dropped me....there''
''Your father dropped you off there, and do you happen to know the name of your father? I mean the surname Dazai is not registered to have a familiy tree, you're the only one, so..?''
''Mikatzu Rybakov'' (Totally made up name, no connection to the original story)
''Rybakov? But that's -''
''I.... know, ...please don'*cough*-say it''

Ryabakov? I had heard that anme before, but from who? And that man was Dazais father, what kind of father leaves their child injured in such dangereous territors. then again, who treats a child like that at all. I would have to ask Fukuzawa about it later.

''Alright, I wont, but why did he just leave you there, in such a condition?''
''I dis-obey...ed his orders''
''And that sounds like a good reason to you?''
''Disobedience must.... be punished''
''That's what I thought'' The president muttered ''And what did you disobey for him to leave you, in a way that you accept it like that?''
''My sister and I were.... in A battle for.... life and death..... and I won....*cough*-'' Dazai was interrupted by a huge coughing fit.
Fukizawa stood up and rubbed his back, heloing him through it.

In all the time he had been awake, no had mentioned the suicide part, yet everyone wanted to. But we had to do it slowly.

Once Dazai was done coughing, he continued.
''...I won and.... killed her...'' It was unreal how casually he told us, that he killed his sister because his father ordered them to fight against each other.
''....And I-- I didn't... want to clean her.... dead body all alone''

I felt a pang in my heart and saw, that Fukuzawas heart broke through that as well.
''But when I had first found you, you were no older, than 8 years.''
Dazai didn't respond.
''How were you treadet as a child in general? I understand, that this is a hard topic for you, but I need to know more, I need to understand, so we can adjust it, that you're more comfortable.''
''Well... Dad raised me and my.....sister seperated from.... each other, my training started ..... when I was 3..... I had physical fighting..... pain and poison resitense....although that now with..... the medication.... comes.... from the mafia. .... I was trained immunity to pain..... physically and.... mentally.... Strategy and manipulation..*cough*''
''So a three year old you was trained in physical and psychological resistans with what matters exactly''
''Nor-mal-ly... we would be interrogated...... our nails... pulled.... arms, legs.. and body ... cut an-d burned.... he would let.... people take .... care.... of... us.... and then have.... them stab, burn----*cough* or rape us..... or he'd kill the, infront of ..... us.''
''and you call that normal? Osamu, that is torture!''

The conversation was stopped, as Dazai began to grow extremely tired and fall asleep.

Once he had fallen asleep I remembered the question I had wanted to ask him.

''Eh, president?''
''Who is Rybakov Mikatzu, besides Dazais father?''
''Rybakov is the former royal family of a former country, which is now part of Russia, the Rybakovs have founded the russian Mafia and led them for Centuries, Which means that Mori had been correct. Dazais blood is indeed mafia black. But he himself isn't!!'' He saud the last part, as if he was trying to convince himself of the fact.

''So Dazai is the sun of the Russian mafia boss?'' I asked
''It seems that way. But even Mafia doesn't treat their children in ways to fill an eight year old with scars''

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