chapter 5

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Fukuzawa pov.
I had to admit, Dazai somehow was special to me, not in a strange way, but he was like family to me. More or less. Kunikida had gone to the agency to pick kyoka up, since though she was able to, wasn't supposed to drive on her own. I knew I probably wasn't supposed to, but I wanted to take a closer look at him myself. Since no was willing to give us useful information. I knew I couldn't do anything about it, but I wanted to know. So I first checked his breathing and heart beat on the monitors, uneven, but fine, consiedrable. Then I lifted the blanket up, carefully, not to touch any of the tubes. His upper body was bare, he only wore pants. His chest was covered in several scars as well. from his stomach a tube was coming, ad an unhealed wound on his stomach, probalby from the surgery. I put the blanket back and focused on his head. I noticed his closed eyes were moving, most likely he was dreaming something. His face was contorted and barely regonizable, with the tube in his mouth and his nose. His face was pale and he had bags under his eyes, if it was a different situation, I'd say he has a cold or something. On his forehead drops of sweat had once again formed. So I wiped them away and put my hand there to check his temperature. The doctors were right, he had quite the temperature, hopefully it wasn't his wound getting infected, that would be exactly what we needed. Not. His hair was drenched in sweat as well.

I sat down on the chair between the window and his bed and took his hand. I lowered my head to the hand I was holding and strted to figure out, what the hell he was thinking, doing this. Dazai never did anything without a reason. every so meaningless seeming move, would have a reason, but this. He had acctually intended to die didn't he? He didn't know, that I once told him, where the spearkey was. And that key was, in one way the thing, that had saved Dazai. He was a genius at predictiong moves, but he didn't even know, that I knew where his spare key was. I found it out, when I once visited him and he thought it was his neighbore. Back then he said, ''Miss Jackson, if you've lost your key again, our spare keys are at in the safe behind our mailboxes, you know the code.'' So I went outside and questioned his neighbore to get me his spare key, since he asked me to. I watched her get it and so I knew the code and had told Kunikida. Dazai might have guessed, that I knew, but not that Kunikida did. Dazai obviously didn't calculate that factor in, otherwise we wouldn't have found him alive. He would have taken one or two more pills and that would have been it.

Kyoka pov
Kunikida had just picked me up from the office. ''Kyoka, I know it's probably useless to tell you this, since you're originally port mafia as well, but don't get scared, when you see him''
''You're probably correct, but I never liked the looks of it. And I've always hated killing. I'm not like Dazai who used t-'' I stopped in the middle of the sentence as I realized, what kind of information I was about to say out loud. luckily Kunikida didn't question it further. ''Thank you anyway for the warning, but I want to see him.'' He sighed. You could see on his face, that he was already exhausted, and who could blame him, next to his previous mafia connections, Kunikida was probably the closest person he had. In the past Dazai has had big reputation in the port mafia, and his name remained even now, that he had been gone for fou years, people would still use his name, when talking and despite his betrayal he was still seen as honorable and a genius. From all I knew, he had been in the mafia since he was fourteen and a lot more experience, while I was a simple weappom and only truly been with them for six month. Even I had heard his name long ago, basically within the first month I had heard about him.
But I don't know the details, to why he joined and why he quit. What I did know, is what people said about him. Ruthless, genius, coldhearted, streatigist, powerful, traitor,youngest executive, childish, mature, strict, crazy, psychotic, unreadable, future boss, terrifying, mysterious, cold, murdereous, and so many other things, all simply saying, how magnificent and fast he was at his job, rumor says, he had one look at the victim/target and could identify the murder within seconds, he forsaw every movement. But these were all rumors, so I thought until I met him in reality. The first time I realized who he was, I was both impressed and confused at the same time. But soon I understood the reputation he had in the mafia. Even if he left them, he still had that bloodlust, he never expressed it but it was in his eyes, how little it would bother him, to simply send a bullet through a customer head, just because it was the eeasiest and most enjoyable way.

I sighed, we were about to arrive. Kunikida had talked the whole way here about something, but I had been lost in my thought and wasn't listening to him at all. To be honest, I didn't really know why I wanted to see him, but I did. I had known him little tie, while the other had an acctual connection to him.

//////// PLEASE READ THIS !!!!!!! I'm probably gonna add some peopke from the mafia as well and might trail off from the acctual theme a little, not from the whole overdose thing, but I already added Ango wich was unplaned, so I'm gonna add Chuyua and Mori maybe akutagwa and other as well

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