chapter 4

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Ango pov
Dazai and I hadn't seen each other in four years until recently, when he called me for business, it was a more or less tensed situation, but none had felt the need to shoot a bullet through the other persons head. I didn't certainly didn't expect to get a call like that from his Boss, telling me something likr this. I couldn't help but feel worried. And I couldn't shake the urge to come t the hospital of. His condition worried me, from what they had told me, everytime a doctor or anyone else came up to us, there would always be bad news. The huge overdose had made a round in the hospital, almost half of those, who worked there knew what happened. Sometihng about that they're unable to take the poison out and had to perform surgery, then his bodys immunity to medication, wich is usually useful, since drugs, poisons wont effect him. But now this same advantage made him take so many of these pills. The doctors had come over and informed us over the exact details. Apparently he had taken fifteen of these pills, while a patient who acctually needs to take them would only get one a every two days and is kept under close watch. His situation was really critical, not only did the pills effect his body in the wrong way, instead of destroying sick and diseased cells they are now killing of uncountable, completely healty cells, he was also experiencing many of the side effects.

We had finished filling out the papers and Kunikida brought them to the info stand, while I offered to buy some food for the three of us. I hadn't eaten lunch yet and they seemed like they could use food as well. We ate our food. It was now about 12:50 am. ''How long do you have break?'' Kunikida asked me.
''I got about a little less than an hour left'' I answered. They nodded. We sat there and all worked on small files we had on a labtop or tablet.

Five minutes later a man came up to us. ''Excuse me are you three here for Dazai Osamu'' He said
''Yes that would be us'' Fukuzawa said. For some reason it was clear who talked, neither Kunikida nor me attempted to whenever he opened his mouth.
''Could I speak to you in private''
We followed him into a private room. Along the way people looked at us with a strange expression.
''I have news for you....''
''Well?'' Fukuzawa asked, obviously getting nerveous. I don't know his conntection to Dazai, but my boss wouldn't react that way in a situation like this.
''He is still alive'' The man said. A huge pressure lifted from our shoulders
''But?'' Kunikida asked, as the man was obviously not done talking
''He barely survived the surgery. His temperature was constantly rising and he kept coughing up blood, wich made the surgery complicated. His breathing and heartbeat was uneven and he kept rejecting our medications. Oh yeah I need to asl about that, is there a reason his body does that?''
''No reason, it was always like that'' I quickly answered, afraid someone would bring up, that he is from the mafia.
''Alright. Anyways. The only working medication was pretty hard. Usually we wouldn't even have performed the surgery, but it was his only chance. It took a lot of effort to get rid of the pills. They had already dissolved inside him. We weren't able to get them all out, but a littlte more than of it, we could have gotten everathing, but his system was already a the brink of collapsing, so we stopped. He was brought into intesive care, he probably wont regain conscioussness in the next couple of days. For now he is in a coma. About 6 pills are still in him, who's trases have completely dissapeared, so he might break down and we'll have to perform another surgery, trying to get some more out, but this time with a highly risky method, wich wont get rid of the six left pills at once.''
''Are we allowed to see him'' Kunikida asked. The relieved mood, of the news, that he was alive, had almost dissapeared, but it was still good news.
The white dressed man nodded and signaled us to follow him. We went into an elevator. ''You know the story about your friend has made quite a round, it's not everyday we see something like this. I would like too ask you, do you have any ideea, where he could have gotten these pills from in the first place?'' I could imagine, how easily he had gotten them, but there was no way I could just say it like that. The elevator arrived and we went outside, it was obvious in what part of the hospital we were in. In the halls, people with desperate faces, crying, emotionless. This was the intensive care station, the place with deadly sick and badly injured people, those on the brink of death. We stopped before a door, two voices could be heard from inside.

3rd person pov
''For some reason, I feel almost sorry for the guy''
''You feel sorry for him? Since when do you feel sorry for anyone?''
''Idk, just look at him, no wonder he swallowed pills'' 
Kunikida clenched his fist and frowned in anger. Fukuzawa frowned as well. The man knocked on the door and cleared his throat. The voices inside immediantly went silent.
''I'm coming in'' he said. They all entered the room and stood in a small hallway with a door leading to a bathroom, even if that is useless in intensive care. The voices turned out to be a young man and a young woman, they stood in the middle of the hallway, that was leading to Dazai.
''You two have very loose tounges'' He said stictly
''My apologies, I didn't mean it in a disrespectful way'' The woman said
''Yes we meant no disrespect, we were assigned to change his clothing and stumbled across a full bandaged body, not only where the surgery wound was, but everywhere except face, hands and feet, so we took them of and-'' the man said until he was interrupted
''You took of Dazais Bandages?'' Kunikida asked, despite the situation getting curious to what was under there. Fukuzawa sighed, once about two years ago, he had forced Dazai to take them of and once many years ago he had done the same thing, he knew what was under there, what he didn't know, was how it changed in the past years.
''Yes we did and we were just confused, and it slipped out, we don't usually say things like that''
The man said. ''Has his temperature gone down?'' The white dressed doctor asked, ignoring their apologies. The womans face dorpped and she shook her head. ''No sadly not, he also coughed pretty hard a couple of minutes ago, I cleaned most of the blood up.''she said. The man who brought us in gave them a look and they left the room.

''I'm sorry about them, they talk without thinking about it.'' The man said ''Now follow me please''
They entered the main part of the room. The man poited at the bed and said ''I'll be back in a bit'' and left.
The image that awaited them, was heartbreaking. On the white bed a man with brown hair. Tubes sticking in his mouth, nose and arm. A fragile looking body, pale with drops of sweat on his forehead, closed eyes. His Body was bare only wearing hospital pants. His arms and throat, that was usually covered with bandages were now visible, showig uncountable scars on the arms and strangling marks on his throat, although that didn't really surprise anyone anymore. On his side there was a heart monitor and the tube in his mouth had small traces of blood, probalby from coughing.

Silents filled the room for a moment. ''Dazai...'' Ango was the first one to break the silents, he walked to his side and wiped the sweat of his forehead with his sleeve, then he put his hand there and sighed. Kunikida walked up to him as well and inspected hid arms closer, letting his hands slide over all the scars. ''So that's what was under all those bandages huh' some of these look really old'' He said
''Dazai had worn theses Bandages even in the port mafia, back then he wore an eye patch as well, although his eyes seems visibly fine. I suspected something like this back then. But that's not important right now, he can cut himself as much as he wants to as long as he survives this'' Ango informed them
''No wonder he swallowed pills...'' Fukuzawa mumbled, completely lost in his thoughts, the others looked at him in confusion
''That's what the girl who changed his clothing said. Now you know why, she has probably never seen something like this. She has seen dead and badly injured, but not this. At least that's how it sounded''
He walked up to him as well, looked at him, then turned to look out the window. Ango and Kunikida sat down on two chairs next to his bed.

The only things they could hear, was the heart monitor and his uneven, loud and painfully forced sounding breathing. They sat there for a couple of minutes.
Until Dazais breathing got louder and cracked, they shot up. Then he started coughing hard, blood came up and an alarm went of. A man came into the room and lifted his body up. Dazais uncosciouss form kept coughing blood, for a bit, then he stopped. The doctor cleaned the blood he had coughed up and took his temperature. He sighed and left the room. They looked at him in worry. Then Angos phone rang and he had to leave, to get back to work.

/////Ok I don't really know what I'm doing at this point. Oh yeah and don't blame me if an acctual overdose doesn't work like that, I know that myself well enough. But I just want to write it like this so. Yeah

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