chapter 3

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//////Sorry, I might have lost myself here a in a little to detailed story telling, (not in a strange way, there's just a lot of useless details)

Fukuzawa pov
I knew that Dazai had one other acquaintance, besides us and the port mafia, Ango Sakaguchi. An agent of the goverment, who had infultrated the mafia in previous times. Even if he was an agent, I knew, that they were not in hatred towards each other at current times, so he should at least know. I called the goverment and asked for the number of the so called Ango Sakaguchi. After a short explaination I received it. I put the number in and waited.
''Sakaguchi Ango, good day sir, how may I help you?''
''Ango Sakaguchi, I see. My name is Yukichi Fukuzawa''
''Sir Yukichi Fukuzawa, you're the leader of the armed detective ageny, if I am not mistaken, how can I assist you''
'You are correct, that's who I am.  I have a question for you''
''Please son't hesitate to ask''
''you are an acquaintance of Osmau Dazai are you not?''
It was quiet for a short while.
''I am an old acquaintance, yes. May I ask why you would like to know this?''
''Dazai was found this morning, passed out in his bathroom, with coughed up blood, trembling, high temperature and other symptomy.''
I stopped, to wait for a reaction.
''What are you trying to say, Sir?'' A cocerned getting voice asked
''It was shortly after discovered, he had taken a high overdose of very dangerous pills called schrinustat, where he got them from is still unknown. He was taken to the hospital, it was decided by me and his partner Kunikida Doppo, to send him into surgery. His body is very weak and from the way it sounded he is still unstable'' I stopped once again, to earn some kind of reaction. I heard a nervous sigh. When no answer came, I continued talking. ''the surgery is his best chance of survival, but there is also a great chance, that it will lead to his death.''
''Why are you telling me this?''
''I know that you were an infiltrated agent in the port mafia and that Dazai despite that he knew you were an infiltrater, befirended you. And that you parted more or less in peace. And now that he might not make it, I thought you should know, if you wanted to see him. You are his only acquaintance we could call, who might be interested in his survival.''
''I take it you're at the local hospital?''
So he does intend to come, doesn't he ?
''Indeed we are''
''Will it be enough, if I come after my shift, in my break in about two hours 45 min?''
''I think it's better than nothing''
''very well, then I will call you once I arrive''
We hung up and I returned inside. Kunikida looked at me, I knew, even if he didn't say it out loud before, Dazai and him have been partners for three years now and he grew to care. He was worried, as was I. The first time I met him and saw him fight and work, when he had grown up. I immediantly recognized where he came from and who taught him. But he did a perfect job, without a single mistake and didn't kill a single person, unless it was ordered.

I sat back down. ''Who did you call?''
''I remembered an old acquaintance of dazai, that doesn't work in the mafia. And from all I know, they still have some kind of care for each other, even if they will raraly admit it, they do. I thought he deserved to at leat know.''
Kunikida nodded. ''We should call the agency and report the situation'' he said.
''Yes indeed, we should, but this time not on the emergency line. I'll call Naomi she'll most likely be with the most of the others in the office.''
I pulled my phone out and out in the number.

3rd person pov
''Sir?'' Naomi asked
''Hello Naomi, could you put us on speaker again?''
''Sure'' She put in the speaker
''Very well thank you''
Fukuzawa and Kunikida explained the situation, to them. Everyone was worried, though no one wanted to really admit it. In the end he had tried to kill himself before, but always failed, because of one or antoher reason.
''Why didn't we ever at least try to talk him out of it?'' Jinnichiro asked.
No one had ever acctually asked, why he wanted to die so badly. Fukuzawa brpught the attention back to him. ''You all have work to do, right? Once you're on break you can come over and see the situation for yourselves. But don't take a break all at the same time. We still have to wait until he is out of surgery''
''Yes, Sir'' Yosano, who had been starting to develope personal feelings of failure, since she was entirely useless when it was about saving Dazai, answered. ''Please, inform me before you come, so I know when who is where'' Fukuzawa ordered.
''Sir, may I visit first, I have no acctual work today and I have personal interst in Dazais life'' Kyoka, surprising everyone, asked.
''Although I can imagine, what your interest in his life is and you most likely won't get an answer today. You can come first sure, but if you want to come, than come at 1:30 pm. I've called an acquaintance of his who will come at about 12:30 am. And before I don't think it will be useful to come, we are here in case .....well ....something happens, we're working on small files, to pass the time, but.... I know I'm asking a lot of work from you today, but there was a lot of work, Dazai would have had to do today, wich needs to be covered. For now, I've decided you get two breaks. One for lunch and one if you want to come here. Now back to work .'' Fukuzawa ordered and hung up. He sighed and leaned (is that the right form or is it lend or something, anyway) back.

Kunikida looked at him. They both knew, that despite what they had told the agency, his chances were slim, especially if he doesn't really have the will to live, and even if he did. From all Kunikida could tell, if he had reacted a couple of minutes later, he'd be dead already. ''We both know how this might end right?'' Kunikida asked, feeling like a child asking such a question. Fukuzawa nodded. They sat there working on labtops for a while, until Fukuzawas phone rang. It was Ango. ''Hello Sir Fukuzawa, I am outside the hospital right now, could you tell me where you are? Unless the whole agency is here, theen I really don't want to interfier your privacy. In this case I would ask you to inform me to tell me once you have news and I will come back then.''
''No, no worries, there's only two of us, when you go to the main entrance you should see us sitting on the right of the cafeteria. You'll probably recognize us first sight.''
''Thank you sir''
Ango entered and as said, immediantly recognized the both of them. He walked towards them. Kunikida and Fukuzawa stood up and greeted him. ''Hello, pleasure to meet the both of you'' ''good day'' ''a pleasure to meet you as well'' ''Do you have received any new yet?'' The two agency members shook their heads. they sat down and sat in silents for s couple of minutes until Kunikida could no longer controle his curiousity. ''I'm sorry if this is disrespectfull, but how do you and Dazai know each other?'' So Ango started to tell them many details about Dazais past that they had not known before. While he was talking a Doctor walked up to them.

''I'm sorry are you Kunikida Doppo?'' He asked in a rather strange tone. ''Yes that would be me'' Kunikida asked, surpressing the urge to immediantly ask about Dazai. ''Are you or any of the other two men family of his?''
''No, Dazai does not have family to contact, I am his boss, Kunikida is his partner in job and this is... a good friend of his Ango Sakaguchi'' Fukuzawa declared, hesitating to how to define Ango the way he did. The doctor nodded with a frown on his face
''I need one of you to give me Identification details, fill out a file on him'' He said handing them a piece of paper.
'' when you filled it out please give it to someone on the information stand, as for him, he is currently still in surgery. It has turned out to be quite difficult to find a medication, that his body will react to. Wich is problematic, his body is already damaged by the huge overdose of such dangerous pills, now we have to use an higher amount of medication and such strong medication like this is never taken without risk. Anyway, I just wanted to inform you on the current situation '' They nodded. Then the man left.
''His body doesn't react to the medication?'' Kunikida asked confused
''Of course it doesn't. Dazai has been in the port mafia since the age of 14, his body is immune to mosst poison and medication. Wich now that I think about it, explains, why he took such dangerous pills, other won't garantee his death. So it makes sence, that simple naroctic and anaesthetics don't work. In his past, that would have been a nuisance.'' Ango answered his question
''Let's focus on his file for now'' Fukuzawa interrupted the tensed conversation. They filled out the paper and came to unknown realizations
''wait but that means, Dazai is only 22. For some reason I thought he would be older than that considering, that he was in the port mafia. I knew he was younger than me, but six years?'' Kunikida asked (sorry I know the internet says Kunikida is 22, but in an episode os season 1 he says he used to be a teacher and 22 is to young for going to a university to become teacher, be teacher, join the agency and be member long enough to have such a reputation, so I just don' buy it)
''Yes you didn't know he was still that young?'' Ango, who had met Dazai four years before and heard of his cruel reputation long before that, questioned slightly confused, as he knew Kunikida and Dazai had been partners for two years.

/////Like I said I got a little carried away here. I promise next part will continue the story

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