chapter 26

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A couple of days later

Ranpo pov
Once again Yosano and I were on our way to the hospital, today Dazai was supposed to be moved into a dofferent room and we were visiting, to make sure he's gonna be alright.

Yosano has been terribly concerned about his mental state, besides the physical damage. She knew, that Dazai was art of the mafia since 14, but she always thought, that the person, that broke him, was Mori.

And while I didn't doubt, that Mori had done terrible things to him, I still felt like Dazai had been broken into pieceds before that. but no one could blae her for thinking that, in the end she was hurt by Mori...

Mori and some other mafia members like Chuuya, Akutagawa, Hirotsu and kouyou or wathever her name was, had come to visit every now and then as well, but mostly in the morning or evening, because they had no interest in running into each other.

Still they seemed to be in need of him in some sort of way, since the mafia didn't seem to like an organizstion, that does anything based of emotions, especcially their boss...

As we drove along the on the street, Yosano and I had diffrenet conversations until...

''I just hope he'll be okay eventually, even if he did survive....It was a failed suicide attempt after all'' Yosano said, after we had been silent for a minute or so.

''Not only that, but he also made sure, that there would be no way of interfering. First he doesn't live with us in the 'dorms' but in a huge apartment quite a while away, he wasn't aware, that any of us knew how to get access to the spare key. Then he planned it on a day, when only Kunikida and Atsushi would be waiting, made sure the meeting point is as far away as possible reasonable for the mission. He knew Kunikida would wait at least half an hour despite it bringing his scheduel out of order. He also knew how long it would take for Kunikida to get to his apartment once he did, then about a minute of him just being confused, since he hadn't been to Dazais house before. He was in hid hidden bathroom in his bedroom, wich is the furthest away from the front door. He locked his bathroom door, even though he lives alone. And in the took about the strongest pills available on the black marcket, not on a usual black marcket, but a high ranked marcket at that matter. I did some research, a bottle of these pills is about 150.000 €/182888 $/ 20091172 Yen, since they're incredible hard to get. And to top it all, from the way his bathroom looked, when I examined it, he probably kept swallowing one pill after pill until he collapsed to the floor unconsciouss.''

''So a stupid spare key saved his life, huh?'' Yosano mumbled. I found it hard to believe myself, that it was a spare key, since it seemed to be such a simple thing to include, but maybe that had just been it, he simply hadn't counted in, that Kunikida knew about the spare key. He must have been aware of Fukuzawas knowledge though, in the end Dazai is no fool.

''Yeah, such a simple detail, if it wasn't for our current situation, I'd call him an idiot for not calculating it in......but to be honest, I'm really grateful for it right now.'' I mumbled, while stariung out the window, watching the houses fly by as we got closer to the hospital.

Once we arrived, we immediantly went straight up to him.

As always he was lying in his bed, not like he could acctually do anything else though, and was sleeping, the thing he spend most of his time with these days.

We entered quietly and took our spots next to his bed.

''I hope he'll talk again today.'' Yosano said facing Dazais face. Something of her reminded me of him, they had a simular aura, not just now, but always, this strange creepy, threatening and at the same time lonely and sad energy coming from them, whenevver they're in stressed situations. I supposed it had something to do with Mori, he did have both of them in his posession so he must have interfered with it somehow.

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