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"Bye Gary," Ella said as a male left her apartment.

"Jamie." He shouted back to her irritably.

"Whatever," She called back slamming the door shut.

Gary, no wait, Jamie was the third guy from a bar she had picked up that week. She couldn't be bothered to learn their names. She had slipped back into her old ways of drinking alone in a bar from the early afternoon and the invitations from strangers of a drink still came in hard and fast, she gave them all a chance, she was hoping to find someone to fill the void but they all ended up being the same creepy leech that only wanted sex from the damaged mess alone in a bar.

This didn't bother her; in fact it was all she wanted from them deep down.

She looked at her phone on the kitchen side, the missed calls had stopped now, it had been two and a half weeks since she broke it off with Jake and she had managed to ignore every attempt he made to get in touch with her. She had Jenny tell him she was at a meeting out of town when he turned up at the office and she debated completely changing her phone number following the fifteen missed calls and texts a day.

By the time she had showered that morning, she was already running late for work, she had figured out a plan. She knew that if she was running late she had time to get coffee and pastries and then when she turned up late she could just blame it on the queue, Leon never questioned her when she had a croissant in her hands.

She had settled into her role at URL quite quickly and was already developing good relationships with other PA's she was in regular contact with when rearranging meetings. She knew the sort of emails Leon wanted to read and the sort that just needed to be redirected and she also knew that when Leon wore his suit jacket there was a very serious meeting so she should be on her best behaviour.

She regularly flirted with the other Doctors and important business man that flowed through the office. She couldn't deny that she missed Jake but she was trying to fill the emptiness in her life with meaningless sex although every time it got to the part were the guy was actually ready to have sex she backed out, she would pleasure him another way and then ask him to leave, it depended on how drunk she was but she didn't care if she hurt their feelings.

Adam had given her a stern telling off about the amount of men frequenting her apartment but she just didn't care. She was numb to any feelings; there was no danger of another Tom.

Leon's diary was fully-booked so she got her tasks done and headed off early. There was no point waiting around to update him when she would see him tomorrow morning. She headed straight to the gym, she had built up quite a relationship with the weights and it helped her blow off steam, and it was a great way to meet guys.

The personal trainer was one she had her eye on this week but he seemed to always have a class. She got home and put on a trashy movie whilst she debated whether or not to go out – she text Adam to see whether he was free.


You're eager this week. Save yourself for Friday!xxx

You bore!! What's happening Friday?x

OMG can't believe you forgot! Nick's work thing.xxxx

Oh yeah! Who's going that I'll know? Or am I third-wheeling?x

I asked some guys from my work, I think Dayle and Jake are coming xxxx

She didn't reply to him. She began winding herself up at the thought of seeing Jake. She had to go. She had promised Adam and it was important to him, Nick had gotten the promotion that he apparently deserved for the last six years but didn't get because his boss was Satan.

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