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"Don't you dare even think about having cold feet; I have been dieting for the best part of a year to get in this dress now pull yourself together for fucks sake!" Ella shouted in Adam's face.

"Okay, okay, I'm ready." Adam said jumping up and down as if it was prep for a football game.

Jake held open the door for Ella and extended his hand to her. They began their bridal march with Adam in tow.

Nick's gleaming face lit up the whole room. His eyes were fixated on Adam and starting to fill with tears. Ella could feel herself filling up as well and Jake squeezed her arm tighter. She clung onto him, she was playing girlfriend, in public and people could see but no-one knew; no-one knew they were crazy in love.

They both took the two empty seats next to Lola and watched in awe as Nick and Adam read their vows. It was a beautiful ceremony, filled with lots of love and laughter. Lola asked Ella if she could leave with her and Ella smiled to her to say of course.

Lola looked stunning in her white dress with lilac waistband, her flower basket only had a few petals in and Ella was encouraging her to throw them at people when they weren't looking which sent them both into fits of laughter. They headed into the reception area for champagne and photographs, Adam and Nick were visible through the large glass window having their photos taken, they were such a beautiful couple and it didn't take long before the whole party was called outside to join in.

The photos of Nick, Adam and Lola were enough to make the most cold-hearted person coo in admiration, everything was so perfect and bar Adam's blip before the ceremony it was all going to plan.

It was Ella's turn to be photographed next; there was some just of her and Adam, some of her, Adam and Nick, some of her and Lola, some of her, Lola, Adam and Nick and then some of just her and Jake. She could see people watching them as if they were a couple as Jake wrapped his arm around her for the photographer's amusement. They both smiled at the camera and she felt reluctant to leave his side but it was Nick's party's turn now.

"You look breathtaking by the way," Jake whispered as they walked back into the reception.

Ella felt her cheeks flush crimson and Jake chuckled at her before walking ahead to get them both a glass of champagne. She could see Lola playing outside with the other children which made her relax, as much as she loved her she wasn't ready to babysit all day.

She was enjoying her time with Jake, alone, she knew their friends and Erin would be arriving a couple of hours after dinner for the evening reception so she was cherishing the time they had before, where they hardly knew anyone and could be their loved up selves apart from the touching, and the kissing. They were called out once again for the group photographs and Ella's cheeks were beginning to ache from the forced smiling so much that Jake actually massaged them for her in between shots, she caught Nick looking in their direction once but she didn't think anything of it – it must have looked like Jake was just being friendly.

They were called in for dinner by one of the hostesses and everyone flitted around the tables trying to find their perfectly calligraphy written name cards. Ella was sat next to Jake on Adam's right hand side, everyone was seated before the grooms entered and there was a massive round of applause as they entered hand in hand, grinning widely at each other.

When they were sat and everyone had a glass of champagne, Nick stood up and chimed his spoon against his glass. The room halted to a silence and all eyes were on Nick. Adam was staring up at him with hearts twinkling in his eyes. Nick thanked everyone for coming, and for putting up with Adam in the previous months - this resulted in hordes of laughter and an eye-roll from Adam, he then openly declared how much he loved Adam and how lucky he was to have met him, everyone gushed with the passion that he spoke with and when he sat there was a chorus of sniffles from his family members.

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