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She was a complete muddle of emotions, she had been honest about her past with someone for the first time, she hadn't even done that with Tom and she loved him. Did this mean she loved Jake?

Surely not.

Replaying the events in her head was making her question everything even more. She took Frankie for a run to try and clear her head but even that didn't work. She needed to see Tom, he would bring her back into real-life, make her see what was going on. She wasn't going to tell him about the kiss, she didn't want to ruin things between them but she did think she should tell him about her past. He trusted her with his secrets, she should trust him.

By the time Ella was showered and dressed she had calmed herself considerably. She knew why Jake apologised, because he didn't want her to tell anyone, he wanted it to be a mistake, in case Erin found out, she had met plenty of men like that before. She was starting to feel like a bit of a fool for telling him, what if he was going to go and update all of the police records?

She had once again wound herself up and when she got to work she was in a flurry of moods again.

"What's up babe?" Tom asked when she stormed into his office.


"Then what was with the dramatic entrance?" Tom laughed.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to. I guess I'm just stressed about my dad." Ella lied.

"Why are you stressed over that loser?" Tom questioned rubbing her back.

"It's Grandma, she's worried and Jake hasn't got any leads."

"You got Jake involved?" She nodded in reply and he exhaled deeply "Your dad isn't coming back Ella."


Tom didn't reply.

"Tom what do you mean?" Her voice trembled.

"I hated seeing how you were around him; I didn't want him to hurt you anymore."

"Tom what did you do?" She asked apprehensively.

"He couldn't just get away with what he'd done." Tom said with anger in his stance.

"What did you do?" She screamed stepping back from him.

"I took care of him."

"Tom..." There was an underlying tone of rage and fear in her voice.

"I killed him Ella; I shot him in the chest and watched him bleed out." Tom replied coldly.

Ella pulled herself further away from Tom immediately.

She was shaking uncontrollably.

"Ella I thought you'd be happy."

"You murdered my dad and you thought I'd be happy?!" She bawled.

"He abused you Ella,"

"I know Tom, I was there, it happened to me. This was not your fucking decision to make!"

She picked up her bag from the chair and he grabbed the top of her arms to stop her leaving.

"Don't you walk away Ella, I did this for you! This is on you!" Tom's grip tightened as he said the daunting words that reminded Ella of something her father would say.

She pulled herself free and ran as fast as she could to the car. The tears streamed down her face. She pushed people out of the way as she could hear Tom calling her name out. She felt sick. Tom had behaved just like her father.

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