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She saw Adam for a drink one evening but Tom made his excuses, she didn't think they clicked all too well after all. She knew they would both make the effort for her sake but if you removed her from the equation they had nothing in common and would probably avoid each other.

Unusually she didn't see Jake, although they still text about the day to day stuff he didn't ask to meet up for a drink or lunch like normal and Ella was a bit put out by that. She was sure she had offended him the other day but he worked for the police department, he should get some facts straight before trying to push her into making a statement about something she knows nothing about.

Miami in general was experiencing a downpour of rain which was rather odd for the time of year and made everyone go a bit crazy; it was only expected to last three days but on the second Ella had narrowly avoided in excess of five road traffic accidents. Everyone had an attitude when it rained; it was like the water helped them achieve maximum dickhead potential.

She ended up getting into an argument with one of the clients when she went to drop his parcel off because it wasn't in the right colour box – people really were arseholes she thought as she apologised profusely on the company's behalf.

Anyone who has ever worked in retail knows the customer is not always right and Ella picked that up waitressing so her sorry routine was nigh on perfect to this client. The next day the rain was beginning to slow and every remembered how to drive safely and at the speed limit again much to Ella's relief. She was making her last delivery of the day and was almost an hour late to the drop off time because she got stuck behind another accident, as she got out of the van she was confronted by one of the regular clients demanding to know why she was so late.

She started reeling off her sorry routine explaining she cannot account for other's peoples driving mistakes and they guy said: "I've got twitchers in there, do you think they care about your bullshit excuse?"

Ella once again apologised and the guy walked off in a huff. She understood how annoying clients could be but it was the way he said it, something in her gut was telling her to pull over.

She stopped the van and without even consciously thinking she climbed into the back, ripped the address and tape off one of the spare boxes someone said she should take with her should anyone want anything extra or have an issue.

She was stunned with what she was faced with. Anger consumed her and she sped back to the office.

"You've got five fucking minutes to explain this before I walk." Ella stormed through the door into Tom's office and slammed the brick of white powder on his desk.

"What the fuck Ella? You can't just walk through here with that in your hands. I could have had anyone up here!" Tom shushed her as he got up to close the door.

"Don't you dare take a fucking attitude with me! I've just found out I'm your fucking drugs courier!"

"Ella relax, what's the big deal?"

"The big deal is about twenty years in American prison Tom!"

"Do you really think I'd let that happen?" Tom pleaded.

"Surprisingly Tom I'm more fearful of prison than I am optimistic in your magical powers."

"Ella I promise you are never in any danger!"

"How can you even fucking say that? You've had me delivering to all sorts of people!"

"No I haven't," Tom laughed.

"Are you fucking joking?"

"Ella you're taking it to the big players, they're on our side, and they would never hurt you because they know what would happen to them if they did."

The Honeytrap HeartbreakerWhere stories live. Discover now