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They all stood in a huddle, almost remotely silent.

The police buzzed from group to group trying to get an account of what had happened but no one seemed to be sure.

They said they were potentially looking at arson.

It had started in the stock room upstairs and the alcohol worsened the fire that it cascaded throughout the whole building.

The news cameras began to arrive and excitement overpowered the feeling of anxiety through the crowd.

Adam was cuddled under Nicks shoulder, Ella was trying to subtly get his attention but Adam being Adam just shouted back to her "What Ella I can't understand you?"

"Where's Jake?" She exhaled.

Adam and Nick both made quick eye contact with each other before answering.

"He went back in. He was trying to save people." Adam said.

"People." Nick prompted raising an eyebrow.

"Yes Nick people," He lowered his voice, "There's no point stressing her out even more."

"What's going on?" She asked concerned.

"He hasn't come back out." Tom said bluntly ending his call and slamming his phone back into his pocket.

"What?" She said gazing at Nick and Adam for a more informed answer.

"He was trying to be a hero Ella; he knew you were still in there. The fire service was already here, he was just being an idiot." Tom huffed.

"He went in looking for me?" She asked.

Adam nodded solemnly.

"And he's probably killed himself." Tom added.

"Tom, I don't think that's necessary." Nick pointed out.

"He shouldn't try to play hero. Come on Ella, Dolton is round the corner." Tom said ushering her away from the disorder.

She made her excuses to Tom when they got to her apartment insisting she was too tired and she just wanted to go to bed. As soon as she waved goodbye she phoned Adam for an update on Jake. Adam sounded serious on the phone for the first time ever, he told her that Jake was alive but when he went back in another part of the ceiling crumpled on top of him, the fire service had managed to get him out and the paramedics had taken him to hospital to check for any internal damage.

Ella couldn't sleep that night. She tried phoning the hospital but they couldn't give her any information as she wasn't family. She left Adam loads of messages and by the time the sun had risen she couldn't take the not knowing any more.

She tried the hospital one more time and a different lady answered this time, she stated she was Jake's cousin from out of town and the lady disclosed he had been discharged about an hour ago; Ella hung up the phone without saying goodbye and practically ran to his house.

She knocked on the door still in her dirty dress and heels. He answered, freshly showered and dressed in grey joggers and a tight black t-shirt. They stared at each other for a while before he called her in. She stood just in front of the door and he lingered back towards to the staircase.

"You almost died last night." She eventually said.

"So did you." He replied.

She heard the shower ping on from upstairs.

"I best go." She muttered turning towards the door.

"Hey!" Jake called, she spun to face him, "I'd rather sneeze spiders."

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