Chapter 50

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Narrator's pov


"Hmm, I still say cut the bitch" Fallon grinned

"This coming from a broke college student" Ember raised her brow

"Why do you have to REMIND ME. Gosh" He playfully rolled his eyes

"Maybe if you be nice, I'll get you a job in here" The girl said

"How dare you! I'm not your charity case! I am a strong, independent man who doesn't need a WOMAN to tell me what to do with my life" Fallon glared before crossing his arms across his chest

"Okay" Ember flashed a smile and continued back to her laptop

"Now now, wait a minute hunny. Let's talk bout that salary for a sec" Fallon leaned over the computer

"Such an idiot" Ember chuckled

"Yours" He grinned

"Yes. Mine" Ember giggled

"So what are you even doing, it's been three hours since you've been sitting in this office"

"What is it that you think I do here?" She asked

"I don't know, cut bodies open with a kitchen knife and sell their organs on the black market?"

".....yes but don't tell anyone" Ember grinned

"OooooOoo you dirty girl" Fallon smirked

"Yes papi"

"You should decorate this place, it looks like Justin Bieber's braids" Fallon scrunched his face

"I don't own the hospital Fallon" Ember chuckled

"Yeah you do, You're an Atkins" he smirked

Ember stopped in her tracks for a second before furrowing her brows

"Damn, I never realized that" She said

"You already have control over everything that happens in here" Fallon said

"Then I'll hire you to decorate"

"I love a friend who supports small businesses" he grinned

"And what business do you have?"

"Shhhh little one, don't hurt yourself overthinking" the boy placed a single finger against the girl's lips

"Boy if you don't get that nasty ass finge-"

"HELP. HELPPPP" a voice screeched through the hospital

the two gays furrowed their brows as they turned their heads to the direction of the echoing voice

"Ma'am, I'm not going to repeat myself" another voice said

"You might want to check that out" Fallon said


"Yes you, go practice your bossly duties" Fallon smirked as he placed his palms on the girl's shoulder, pushing her towards the emergency section of the hospital

"But she's bleeding!" the person yelled

"Ma'am, she has a splinter-"

"EXACTLY, DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT" the panicking person yelled again

"Is everything okay here?" Ember questioned

alerted by the new voice, the panicking person turned to face Ember. Her brown locks fell over her shoulder as her green eyes met other green eyes

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