Chapter 45

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Narrator's pov


The aftermath of a date could go many different ways. Some people walk home alone with wine stain on their shirts because their date's ex popped up and had to represent herself

Some head over to a hotel for what they thought would be a good night which just turned out to be cheap wine and a a man finishing in two minutes

Most times it's less

Some walk home with hope of getting that second call, because they fell in love within the first hour of talking

But for these girls, it was the perfect ending to the night

Gabrielle adjusted the scarf on her neck that Ember gave to her. The two girls had their pinkies intertwined as they headed down the alley, being accompanied by the moon

The singer's cheeks were stained pink, she knew to herself at the end of the night she would turn red from constantly blushing. Ember always managed to make her feel like a small school girl having her first crush and never knowing how to act around them

Ember on the other hand had her smile as big as it could be, happiness was the only thing she felt and she hadn't felt it in a while

"Thank you.. for tonight" Ember started

"There's no need to thank me. I love spending time with you" Gabrielle said

"I guess you'll be spending even more time with me starting tomorrow huh?" Ember chuckled

The singer sighed deeply before glancing at the brunette

"I really don't want to do this" She said

"Me neither" Ember mumbled

Tomorrow was the start of their first day, working for their parents. Gabrielle would be all over the place with her parents, they would push her head first into everything so that she could gain enough experience in law

Ember on the other hand would be the top board representative alongside a few more people

But with her Atkins name, she would be the cover of the hospital. What more way to have the media scattering and bring in more attention than having such a young person at the top of a private hospital

She's been trained her whole life for it, now she didn't have a choice. Or did she

"I have a plan" Ember said

"And what's that?" the blonde questioned

"You'll have to trust me on it"

"I trust you"

"Good. But you'll have to stick with me through it all, I promise it's worth it" Ember said as they came to a stop at the apartment building's door

The two stood facing each other, Ember's grin still took over her face which simply made Gabrielle smile

"I'm always going to stick with you Ember" Gabrielle muttered, taking a step forward

The two were pressed against each other's chest, the shorter girl tilted her head slightly to face the brunette and matched her grin

"Besides, I'd do anything to get away from my parents" she chuckled

"Then I guess I'll see you tomorrow at the office" Ember smirked

"Yes Ms Atkins, anything you say Ms Atkins" The blonde chuckled

"Mmm I like the sound of that, maybe I should be your boss for a while" Ember wiggled her brow

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