Chapter 26

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Narrator's pov


Of all things possible, life just couldn't stop throwing curve balls at Ember

Life or a daddy named Sarah but we not finna talk about that

"Ember?" Gabrielle asked, making the brunette snap her head around

Of all the goddamned things that could ever happen in this world. Why. Oh why, must Ember be put into this situation

The girl's heart stopped in her chest and everything started to move slowly when her eyes landed on gold orbs standing at the door

She leaned against the door her white dress flowing over her body. It created an infinity shape around her neck and swirled around to her back, white left her neckline and shoulder exposed, Ember's eyes looked over the girl's defined collar bone and bit her lip

The girl ran a finger through her straight her and flipped it all over to one side of her face, allowing her bright red lipstick to show. It fitted her complexion so perctly, her black eyeliner brought out her golden honey eyes under the charcoal sky with white sugar stars

She waltzed on with an effortless saunter. The clicking of her heels added rhythm to the soft classical music that played onward inside the house without pause. Her eyes scanned her own with determination

In Ember's mind, she could only see the girl as beautiful, like the stars themselves decided to rest behind the soft cushion of her lips

Ember was lost in a trance, hypnotized at everything Gabrielle did

"Gabrielle?" She asked

"I heard shouting outside, then I heard the name Fallon and I was confused and came outside" Gabrielle mumbled

"Oh. Right" The brunette muttered

A silence fell over them, unspoken words finally spoken through their body language

It was the kind that even a feather would fall without drifting one way or the other

The grass was straight and silent, the leaves dangled more as if they had been painted there. Should a person be able to feel the beating of the birds' wings  that would have been the only breeze. It was still, utterly still. Neither of them wanting to speak

Yet there was so much to talk about

Ember's head was low to avoid the girl's stare, knowing her heart would start pounding again in her chest if she caught another glance of Gabrielle

But for some reason she felt the girl's eyes on her, moving up and down her body. She barley glanced up, only to see that Gabrielle was truly admiring every inch of her body

The familiar pink stain touched Gabrielle's cheeks when she noticed she was caught

"Sorry, you just look beautiful" She said low, but Ember still caught it

A small chuckle left her throat as she took a step up, coming a bit closer towards the blonde

Being so close to her felt surreal, but it also brought back memories of the times they were that intimate

Something always seemed to happen between the two, yet both were dumbasses that wouldn't sort their lives out and BE TOGETHER. LIKE GODDAMN, JUST TALK IT OUT FOR FUCK SAKES

"Babe?" A voice called out, making Ember furrow her brows

Ah shit, here we go again.

The door soon opened to reveal the kind of man that tiktok talks about

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