Chapter 9

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Narrator's pov


Honesty, it can either cause more harm than good or it can build a relationship stronger than it was

Either way, we take a risk with it. Some say, lies lead to more problems while others say lies keeps a person happy and spares their heart

But why must we fear the truth. Feelings are hurt more and more everyday as those lies continue to build up. Then we regret not being honest that first time so we can earn that trust back and build a stronger foundation of our bond

But either way, Ember wasn't going back down that road of lying. She wanted Gabrielle to see her for the real person she is rather than just a flirty girl that was trying to get into her pants

What image was she really trying to portray? A sex addict or someone that was patient and ready to take steps with her?

"What do you mean by that?" Gabrielle questioned

"You want me to be honest with you, right? You want to know what I'm really about?"


"Then sit back and listen to the story of my life"

"I knew there was more to it" Gabrielle chuckled, sinking herself deeper into her seat

"I'm listening" she whispered, holding a smile on her lips

Ember chuckled softly as she mirrored the girl's position, sinking herself into her booth and crossing her arms across her chest

That girl was surely going to make her lose her mind someday

"Remember when I told you that my parents are surgeons?"


"Well they're surgeons at the Atkins Hospital" Ember mumbled

"Isn't that like the top five hospitals in this country?"


"What does that have to do with you?" Gabrielle asked

"Well you see. My name.."

"Uh huh?"

"Is Ember Atkins" Ember finally squeaked out

It took a second for the blonde to understand, her brows furrowed as she tilted her head to the side, shaking it slightly as to give indication for her to continue

But then it had finally hit her

"Holy. Fucking. Shit" She said between breaths

"My parents own that hospital and yes I'm only now studying business but I've been studying since I was able to walk. I've always been in charge of their finances and as time grew, I was placed in charge of the hospital finances, along with many lawyers ofcourse. But I'm the head of everything there is to be worked out about that hospital. We're all board members, but I tend to do my own things sometimes" Ember said furrowing her brows, tightening her arms across her chest

Gabrielle knew in just that second that she needed to drop all of her questions and shock, it was clear that Ember was struggling with something in that story

"Why's that?" the girl asked

"Because, it was too much pressure. Do you know what it's like to be groomed at such a long age to take over an entire hospital, something that everyone depends on? Don't even get me started on the dissapointment they felt when I flaked out and chose business instead of science" Ember scoffed

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