Chapter 47

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Narrator's pov


"Because I'm your boss" Ember said and slammed the door shut, not even caring to see the girl's facial reaction

Surely the woman was still standing there frozen with her oversized lip filler mouth gaping wide open

Many people were just as rude as she was, but they wouldn't show it because they all respected Mr and Mrs Atkins. Having someone so young as their boss wasn't intimidating, it was humiliating in their senses, but there was nothing either of them could do

Luckily the office had grey walls that were thick, it was completely private so that no one could see her during business hours unless they walked through the door

The windows on the other hand needed a few curtains, thankfully they were far too high up to have anyone from another building peeking over

But what Ember saw in the office might have just blown her away on sight

"What the fuck is this" She hissed

On the bright brown wooden oval desk rested piles and piles of paperwork, enough to build a miniature paper version of the hospital itself

All documents were sprawled out and ready for Ember on the first day, most not even organized

The sight was something too familiar, ready to take her mind back to the times when her parents would bring home their stack of patient files and make her go through them all

"Dear god" she tilted her head back, groaning

It certainly wasn't the way she thought the day would start, it was exhausting just to look at

Ember simply creeped her way around the stacks of papers on the meeting desk as she made her way towards the second desk behind it

The office was divided into two. Upon entering, there was a wide oval brown desk with chairs around it for hosting meetings

Behind it was the personal desk where she would be a slave and work for the man overtime

Ember hopped into the chair and leaned back, placing her palms to the back of her head and her feet onto the desk to get comfortable

The desk was big enough for two cars, a laptop was placed out along with two monitors to the side. The entire office was set and ready

The dark grey walls gave the room a darker feeling, there was even a remote they controlled the curtains to close and give her privacy

There were two open fireplaces acting as a wall dividing from the meeting desk and her personal desk

Large screens graced the walls which had a commercial of the hospital on a loop, a few whiteboards were placed around and near to the desks

To the side there was a coffee maker and a fridge for herself which she hoped was stacked

The phone in the office started to ring loudly, Ember rolled her eyes and pressed the button

"What, Mince" She hissed

"There's someone here to see you"

"If it's my fathe-"

"It's not your parents" The woman

"Oh.. Let them in"

A small buzz came from the door and it was soon pushed open

Ember raised a brow as she waited for the person to approach her

"Hello Ms Atkins" The familiar voice came from the door

A Walk In The Park (GirlxGirl) Where stories live. Discover now