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'Well for the one who killed her own father, beg me all you want but mercy is the least thing you will get for me.' She snickered.

'So you killed your dad and made up a fake story to me saying jungkook killed him. Are you out of your mind? Come to your senses, jiwon!'I said.

It wasn't like jungkook suddenly became nice in my eyes just because he didn't kill his father though. I was unbothered by his past but I was bothered by the way jiwon made up a lie. She seemed crazier than ever.

'To make you more desperate to escape from him so that I would get to execute my plan as fast as possible,....I had to make you believe you were living with a murderer. But unfortunately you look fine. And its fucking pricking my eyes. Someone has to kill you now. Doesn't matter why jungkook missed his chance because surely, I will not.'

'Don't you dare to do something to him, jiwon!' Again the same voice which I couldn't forget even after wanting and willing to.

Jungkook had come out of the room, his eyes squinted in pain due to his wound, his stumbling figure telling me he could fall unconscious at any moment. I wondered how he managed to get out from the closet but the mini axe in his right hand gave me the answer. I must have forgotten it in the closet while locking him in.

'Your enemity is with me. Let him go, jiwon.'He said, balancing himself against the wall.

'I wouldn't have to kill him if you had done it in the first place, you dick. You abuse him until he bleeds. Why can't you just finish him off in a second?'

'It's because I love him.' Jungkook walked upto her while clutching his head and pushed her on the floor.

'Love,..this word itself doesn't sound good from a bastard like you. The moment your slutty mom came to my dad's life, my mom and I had to go through hell. She fucking died but left you with us. Dad never laid his hand on you while my mom and I were dying every second. You should have died too with that whore.' Jungkook pressed his foot on her leg instantly. He looked fiery, and full of rage.

'You are the whore here. Badmouth my mom once again and I would break your mouth.'

'Your mom was a whore and would always be one. Everyone says so, my dear brother.' She was fearless, speaking her heart while facing jungkook straight in his eyes. Jungkook may have been overpowering her with his physique but jiwon was the one hammering jungkook's heart with her venomous words.

He pressed his foot hard on her wrist and slashed her chest with the axe letting out a ferocious growl.

She was not given a second to whimper in pain. Her chest rose up, I heard a gasp from her and that was it. Her eyes closed involuntarily and the blood escaping through her blood stream was flowing on the floor like water does when it gets spilled over.

Jungkook was breathing heavily. He was still- struck with what he had just done and I was glued on my spot while the blood had even reached my feet.

She was dead. Jiwon was dead. My very first time seeing a dead body which was talking and breathing a minute ago, the sight was so nauseating and disgusting.

'You killed her?' I said to jungkook, who was drenched in cold sweats.

'It j-ust h-a-ppen-ed!' He stuttered. He freaking murdered somebody and was saying 'it just happened'. But I had to agree, Jiwon being dead did relieve me to core.

What we both were supposed to be and what we both became. Jungkook a murderer and me a witness....

A tragic end we recieved through our relationship which was full of toxicity from the beginning and I acted oblivious of not knowing it.

Things would have been different if jungkook and I were not in a relationship which was nowhere near to being an actual relationship. Neither jiwon would have planned me to get killed by jungkook nor she would have gotten killed by her half-brother in the end.

I wasn't a bit sad for her death rather I was relieved. But she didn't deserve a death like such. Hearing her story, I was reminded of  my own life which was as shitty than hers. The only difference between me and her was I surrounded myself with cowardice while she surrounded herself with determination to avenge her and her mother's sufferings but with a wrong person.

Her father was killed by her long ago. She should have let the things go rather than being stuck in the past. She had a whole life ahead of her but she was so blinded by hatred that she indirectly ended her own life which was pretty pitiful.

'Go from here, jimin!' Jungkook's voice pulled me from my thoughts.

'What?' I was surprised by jungkook's words. Did he just say 'go'?

'I said run from here jimin. May be this will be the last time, I am saying this to you. Leave, never come to me. This is our end. Just go before I force you to stay with me. Give our child a better life and sorry. And believe me I am not lying now.' Jungkook said while crying. He appeared aghasted with his own doing. He did beat me, abuse me but he was never a murderer.

He saved me from jiwon and was trying to save me from himself too.

Doesn't matter he saved me, doesn't matter he was letting me go willingly, doesn't matter he was sorry, all it mattered was my freedom for which I was dying every second.

We had no future ahead. And I was glad he knew that.

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