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Double update because I love you guys!💋💜 And besides it's been an eternity since I updated. So yeah, why not??😌

I grabbed the knife from the kitchen counter with my shaky hands.

His hands were about to snatch it from me but I slashed him right in his forearm. Blood slowly dripped from his forearm to his palm, then to his fingertips and finally onto the floor. His hand look bloody and he appeared mad.

I gasped looking at what I just did. I had no intention to hurt him rather it was just a reflex action.

'What the fuck, bitch? What are you even trying to do? Do you think you can kill me with that thing and escape from me?' He growled while palming his wound.

He was approaching me and I placed the sharp side of the knife right on my palm to stop him where he was.

'Don't you dare come towards me, you son of a bitch.' I spitted in pure anger. He frowned his eyebrows at my sudden outburst. It must have been quite shocking for him to hear me curse and that too at him.

'Since you won't let me go, I am going to end my own life. You destroyed my life. You were my everything. I worshipped you but you are an evil. I would happily die rather than to stay with a manipulative and abusive twat like you who treats me like a trash.' Tears spilled from my eyes while he looked unfazed.

'Babe, throw that knife and come to me. We can talk and sort it out otherwise you would regret threatening me with your words. I know you don't have the strength to do that. So just obey me when I am being nice.' He nonchalantly said with his eyes boring into mine.

'If I had the strength to live with a monster like you, I also have the strength to slice this knife across my wrist, you motherfucker. I won't obey you and why should I? Won't you even let me die in peace? Are you afraid that you would be blamed for my death, you fucking goddamn prick? You are disgusting and I hope you will rot in hell. You mom should have aborted you the moment when you came into her womb. Atleast an abuser like you wouldn't have been born.' I spewed whatever that came to my mind. I had no fear of him or of anybody. I was going to kill myself anyways.

'Jimin??' He shouted and I laughed at his furious expression. Finally the one who had mocked me just a while before looked furious. He was giving me death glares and I didn't give a fuck.

'Truth is bitter, isn't it? Are you angry? Do you want to kill me? Then you are most welcome as that is what I am wanting too. I bet it would be a piece of cake for you to kill someone because you are a heartless monster with no sense of right or wrong. Fucking kill me, just kill me...Just end my sufferings and let me be free. I don't want to live and I hope you will know that you...only you would be the reason of my absence.' I sobbed as I pointed the knife towards him urging him to end my misery at once.

I had my eyes on the floor, I couldn't comprehend what he was feeling that moment as I was waiting for him to take the knife from my hand and fulfill my wish.

My head ached out of sudden and I involuntarily dropped on my knees. I felt like puking and the dizziness acted just like a cherry on top. My vision was getting all blurry. And I blacked out just after I saw his hazy figure coming towards me and shaking me to get me in my senses.

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