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'Wake up, babe! I made breakfast for you.' My eyes fluttered open after hearing his voice. The warm sunlight peaking through the window pane, the peaceful silence, I would have enjoyed it if not for jungkook's presence in the room or should I say in my life...

I don't know how my life would have been if I had not met jungkook at the first place. I was such a coward to leave my parents, doubting over myself whether I could manage to eat even one meal a day upon living on my own.

Jungkook arrived like an angel in my life but he actually turned out to be evil.
Perhaps, I viewed him as an angel because he was the least bad person among the people I knew.

After knowing what he did, just to keep me at the home, I was terrified. But I couldn't let him know that I know, what he did. His mood could shift any moment resulting me and only me to get hurt at the end.

'Jimin!' I got off from the bed just after he called my name. I had to avoid making him angry or annoyed. I had to escape from him, from the hell.... by any means and for that I had planned to go to the store's manager secretly after jungkook leaving for work. He was the only one who could help me out in that moment.

At first I had planned to go to cops but what would I even say to them...Tell them my boyfriend was abusing me when I had not even a mark on my body. He sure did abused
me but there was no such thing which I could use against him. And another reason of me not going to cops was I really didn't want to come across him ever again. Instead of being a part of probable investigation, I wanted to run away from him in such a way that he couldn't trace me ever again.

I did my morning routine hurriedly and reached to the dinning table where he was already having his breakfast. I quietly sat just beside him and began having mine.

'You are unusually quiet today. Did something happen?' I dropped the spoon full of beans from my hand and fixated my gaze on the bowl with his sudden question.

I shook my head horizontally not having enough guts to look at him directly. I could feel his eyes on my nervous state. Gathering up my strength, I said,' I just feel sick, that's all.'

'Okaaaay!' I didn't know, him dragging that 'okay' was a good thing or not but my heart felt stable thinking I managed to convince him.

'Should I not to go to office,then? I can't let you be on your own.'

I let out a huge and a loud 'NO' as soon as he said that.

'What!' He furrowed his eyebrows at my loud voice and I clenched my sweaty palms together not knowing how to justify my 'NO'.

'I guess you really are sick!' He laughed a bit while wiping my lips with the tissue.

'Well, babe..as much as I want to be with you, I have to go to office today. Even if you had said 'YES', I wouldn't have been able to stay home with you.' He palmed my cheek, giving me a quick peck and went out collecting his office bag and car key.

I kept my hand on my chest, patting it and taking long breathes to calm my erratic heartbeats down.

Exactly after one and half hour, I got out from the house with some cash and a suitcase full of my essential things but excluded my cellphone and laptop. He could have kept some tracking apps in them so I avoided carrying them with me.

Wiping the sweat on my forehead, I was taking long and fast strides towards my destination.

As I was walking, a car pulled up right infront of me abruptly blocking my way.

A head peeked out from the side window and my legs instantly gave up on me. My mind got fuzzy, my vision all clouded from immense fear due to the person in my view.

'Jungkook....' I mouthed out, slowly backing away in fear.

'Going to pharmacy again?' Menace lacing his words, he quirked an eyebrow at me with a creepy smile on his face.

A/n: 50 votes and unlock the next chapter. Fighting! Ik,you all can do it.😈

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