Chapter 30: You promsied you wouldn't leave me

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I open my eyes and I'm laying down on a mat. I look around and see Rob smiling down at me.

"You will get there Kid, don't give up" he smiles and offers his hand out which I take.

"It's so difficult, they're never going to hire me" I huff and wipe away the dust on my clothes. We are currently doing self defence lessons.

"They cant hire you yet, you need to be 18. So you still have two years Rae. I'm going to be here every step of the way" he rubs my back and I nod.

"Let's go do something fun, you'll love this" he chuckles as he opens the door to a room I've never been in before. My eyes fall on a wall of guns and a shooting range. My jaw drops as my eyes scan all the guns.

"I didn't know this was here" I whispered.

"You weren't ready to know, until now"he says and picks up a handgun. "Now I know you play video games but this is not a toy" he explains seriously and I nod.

"I know Rob" I smile and get the gun off him, its weight kind of shocked me.

He watches me closely, subconsciously my finger goes to the trigger.

"Ah, no." He adjusts my grip. "This is why we have safety on, only put your finger on the trigger if you intend to fire" he says and lines me up to shoot at the target.

"Okay, what now?" I ask and he adjusts my stance and takes off the safety.

"Prepare for some recoil. Now breathe in, when you breathe back out squeeze the trigger" he says.

I do as he instructed and the bullet flies in the air, hitting the target dead centre.

"Well done kiddo" he smiled at me and I had the biggest smile on my face. "You're probably a better shot than me" he chuckles. "I'm so proud of the young woman you've become Raven" he says and pulls me in for a hug. He was always there for me and making him proud is what I strive to do, always.

The flashback fades and I'm brought back to cruel reality. I can't open my eyes, something is covering them. My feet and arms are bound to a wooden chair and the room feels empty and cold. I raise my head to signal to anyone I'm awake. As expected there are footsteps approaching me, their rough hands rag the blindfold off me.

My eyes take a second to adjust but, not surprisingly, they fall upon Matthew well Caleb.

"Morning" he says bitterly. "You have been out for a couple days, I must have hit your delicate head too hard" he smirks.

"You wish, I was just tired" I smile back at him.

He obviously didn't like that, his hand gripped my hair and pulled my head back viciously.

"You seem to have an attitude for someone in your position" he glares at me.

I know that if he wanted to kill me by now, he would have. So I'm not scared, sure he can hurt me but as long as he is here Billie is safe.

"Not the first time I've been tied up in a cold room" I shrug and look around.

I then feel something sharp enter my side, I hiss as I recognise it and it begins to reopen my old wound on my side.

"You will soon shut up" he smirks and pushes the knife in further.

Billies POV

I know somethings wrong, she hasn't responded to my texts for two days. Matthew has also been radio silent. Makes me nervous as shit. I know I shouldn't think pessimistically but I cant help but wonder if the silences are related.

"Somethings wrong Fin" I whisper and he looks at me from the piano.

"I'm sure she is fine Bil, she is probably really busy" he says but it doesn't help ease my worry.

"No, I feel it. Like in my gut and shit. Somethings up" I shake my head and grab my things.

"Okay...where are we looking first?" He asks as he grabs his stuff too.

After a few hours of looking at her place, Matthews place and her office. I no longer know where to look.

"So you don't find it weird, that she hasn't been to work or contacted you?" I ask Chelsea who is at the reception desk.

"Nope. Raven does her own thing most of the time" she shrugs, there is something up with her. "She did mention that she had meetings with people from Canada, maybe she actually went there" she looks at her nails.

"She would have told me" I say sternly, fed up of her demeanour.

"She makes you feel special, but she will drop you. She is like that" she looks at me with a bitch face.

"You don't know her like I do" I say and put on my resting bitch face.

Not knowing what else to do, I tell Fin to go home and I head over to her apartment. She will turn up soon and ill be having words with her.

6 days. It's been six fucking days. I have contacted the police, but apparently when they contact her she answers and says she is just in meetings. Why the fuck is she ignoring me?

It's late as hell at the moment and I'm just watching a movie when I hear the front door open.

"So you decide to show your fucking face, I've been worried sick" I shout over as I stand up from the sofa heading to the front door.

I stop abruptly in my tracks when I see her laying on the floor, covered in blood. She looked dead, she clearly didn't get here herself, I rush to the door to see if I could see anyone but the lift doors had just closed.

"Raven?! Baby!" I shout and kneel next to her. I grab my phone and call an ambulance. "Come on baby, wake up. Please." I say as I lean down to her mouth and look down her body. I cant feel her breathing and her chest is deathly still.

"No, you promised me you'd never leave" I sob as I start to do chest compressions.

There is so much fucking blood, I don't even know where she is bleeding from.

"Raven! Don't you dare fucking leave me" I scream at her lifeless body.

This is what she must have felt when losing Rob. I'm so fucking broken but I continue to try and bring her back.

I feel her ribs crack but continue to do CPR. Paramedics arrive and they take over, getting out a defibrillator. I stand back in shock, covered in her blood and crying my eyes out.

"Clear!" One shouts. "No pulse" he says and lines up the pads again.

"Clear!" He shouts again, I feel useless.
"We have a pulse"

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