Chapter 9: Trust me

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Last night Rob told me that there is an inside job in progress and I barley slept at all. We were currently in the tour bus on our way to the stadium and we will get cars to the 'hotel', separately so this mission can go smoothly.  The other agent who Rob trusts is a female, which surprised me because I haven't seen her before but I trust Rob with my life. She arrived last night and we are currently sat next to each other on the bus. I learnt her name is Emma and she is actually very pretty. She isn't a security guard or body guard but she has been an agent for nearly as long as me. She is about 5'7, brown hair and hazel eyes. I also have noticed her very attractive hour glass figure.

"So Emma what exactly do you do?" I asked and sat back on the sofa, angling my body to face her and I saw Billie speaking to Fin.

"So I've done some field work but I mainly work as an assistant to Rob out in Australia. Just dealing with company shit over there." She explains with a smile.

"Oh right! You're the famous good looking assistant that Rob always talks to me about" I laughed and said a little loud. I feel eyes on me, I glance over to Billie who is staring back at me with a look on her face I cant read.

She blushes "I suppose so, he plays Cupid with you as well?" She giggles and I nod biting my lip at how pretty this girl is.

"Raven come here" Billies stern voice pierces through the bus and I look over at her.

"Excuse me" I mumble to Emma as I stand and walk over to Billie.

"Everything okay Eilish?" I ask and sit across from her.

"No, why're you paying more attention to a kangaroo, than to me?" She said seriously and loud so I know Emma heard.

"What? She is my colleague so I'm conversing" I laugh and go to get up. She grabs my hand and pulls me down next to her. I look to Fin who shrugs his shoulders and walks to the back where his parents and Claudia are playing cards.

"What's up with you today? Ever since Emma came you've been acting weird...not jealous are you Pirate?" I smirk at her and prop my elbow on the table infront of me so I can rest my head on my hand.

She scoffs "you wish Rae-Rae" she smiles and I roll my eyes. My gaze falls down to her lips which she pulls her tongue over making them look more kissable.

"I wish a lot of things Eilish" I whisper at her and look back at her eyes.

"Enlighten me" she moves a little closer and looks down at my lips which I pull into a smirk.

My hand falls onto her thigh and I squeeze it slightly "I wish..." I look around and everyone is distracted so I look back at Billie who is blushing. "I wish we were alone" I bit my lip as I moved my hand further up her thigh.

"Mmm...what would you do if we were alone right now?" She whispered and ran her hand through her hair.

I leaned even closer after looking again, my eyes drifting between her lips and eyes. My thumb now rubbing her thigh which she glances down at but then back to my lips and eyes.

"I'd...tell you to take a shower because you stink" I laugh and move back away from her as people glance at me laughing like a fool.

"Fuck outta here" she huffed and I could tell just how worked up she became. Once I stopped laughing I leaned into her and whispered right against her ear.

"No, Princess, I'd make you a moaning mess underneath me, tasting you over and over again" I smirked when her breath hitched and she moaned slightly. I stood up and walked back to Emma.

After a while we arrived at the stadium and the crew went straight in and started unloading the equipment for the show tomorrow night. I was getting nervous, knowing that it was about to get messy.  Emma looked over at me and nodded her head, she gathered Billies family into a car and there so happened to be no room for Billie and I. I said we would get our own car and my eyes never left Emma who gave me a slight smile and mouth 'we got this' and with that she drove off. Our car arrived 10 minutes later so by the time we were on our way Emma texted me saying she had already evacuated the family through the back and they were on their way to the safe house. I looked to Billie once we pulled up to the hotel. She looked at me and put a goofy ass smile on which made me laugh. When we got in I went to reception and told him he could evacuate all the staff once I get billie out the back.  There was only staff on the lobby floor, just to make it look legit, there was no one upstairs, there was when the rest of the agents arrived earlier to avoid suspicion. I walked to Billie and told her to follow me. We walked past the stairs and lift at a quick pace.

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