Chapter 26: Boyfriend?

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Ravens POV

I'm anxiously walking around my apartment, Chelsea left an hour ago. Although I didn't have work today, I was headed there to meet with Billie. I wore some casual clothes, not expecting to be in the office for too long.
I smiled to Chelsea as I walked in.

"You don't have any meetings today Rae" she giggled and I rolled my eyes at the nickname.

"It's Raven, Chelsea. Ive told you before I don't like nicknames. And I have a personal meeting, please don't allow anyone near my office." I smiled again and walked to the lift.

A few hours later I get a knock at my door, I walk over and open it, revealing Billie. I smiled and opened the door wider so she could come in. She wore an oversized top and some denim shorts with her socks pulled up. She looked amazing.

"Um Raven?" She waved her hand and smiled when she caught me staring. I coughed and walked to the sofa she was sat on.

"Thank you for meeting me"I said as I sat down. She took out her phone and set an hour timer. I looked at her with raised brows.

"Times ticking Raven" she crossed her arms and looked at me.

"I didn't think you were serious...anyway" I laughed slightly. "So...." I explained everything. From the meeting with Lucinda and Stan to what happened once I got to Canada which wasn't a lot. I basically quit and started working on my own business once I got there.

"So, you left me because us being together put me in danger?" She asked once I had finished. She seemed to be processing everything. 

"Yes Billie, you remember what I promised all those years ago?" I asked and she looked into my eyes. 

"That you would protect me" she mumbled and I nodded. "Why were you being targeted?" She asked with a confused look and I shrugged.

"Honestly, I never asked. I was trying to process leaving the person that I loved the most at the time" I explained and looked down at the floor.

"Oh...well thank you for explaining" she started "I mean, it still hurts but knowing why makes it a bit easier" she smiled slightly.

I moved a little closer to her "I know that it will take time but do you think you could forgive me?" I asked hopefully and she shrugged.

"I'd like to think so" she smiled.

"So we can take thing slow right? I could romance you up and take you out on dates, maybe one day we could-"I said but she interrupted.

"I don't think so Raven" I looked at her and furrowed my brows. "Although I could forgive you, it doesn't mean that I can just jump right back in with you or even consider it because..." she paused.

"Because?" I raised my eyebrows and watched her facial features.

"Because Im in a relationship right now" she explained and my heart broke.

I didn't know what to say, I just sat there, looking at her.

"I have been for about 6 months now, we met not long after you left me" she explained and I looked anywhere but her face because I know I would begin to cry.

"Oh...okay. Cool. What's their name?" I asked, only caring because this person must be making her happy when I couldn't.

"Matthew, he is really sweet. You'd like him" she smiled at me.

I fucking highly doubt that but I wouldn't let that show.
She began to explain how they met, which was through a friend of a friend. She showed me a picture and I swear I recognised him from somewhere. He had tanned skin, short brown hair with hazel eyes and he was about 5'9. Short ass. As she talked, all I did was fake smile and nod at her, what the fuck else was I meant to do.

After a while she left, I hugged her awkwardly before she left my office. I gave it a minute, picked up a vase and threw it against a wall. My anger management wasn't the best since Billie was no longer in my life.

I mean I didn't expect her to jump back in with me but I certainly did not expect her to have a fucking boyfriend.

That I may or may not recognise and she suspiciously met just after I left her. This is no cheesy, cringe book where the main character acts fucking ignorant. I know something is going on and I will get to the bottom of it.

I picked up the office phone and called down to Chelsea.

"Come here, I need to relieve some stress" I said and hung up.

It was now 10pm and I was at home, alone. I didn't think I would end up alone tonight, I looked towards the black roses I had brought Billie. I hoped she would come back to mine for a movie night and I could give them to her. I pushed them off the counter into the bin.

It's time to do some research. I looked up some footage of Billie over the past two years and stumble across a video a fan took. Praise be to the fans who film her unknowingly, its creepy but times like this it's a good thing.

In the video Billie is walking somewhere with a guy, I recognise him to be Kieran I pause the video and zoom in. Taking a screenshot I call up the only person I can trust.

"Raven?" Emma answers "its late as fuck, you okay?" Her Aussie accent being as thick as it was two years ago. She now works for me but I know she is a computer geek so can access our old jobs database.

"Im sending you a picture, could you log into the our old database and cross reference the image along with the name Matthew " I asked.

"Sure thing, ill get back to you ASAP" she says and hangs up.

Emma is honestly a real one, she does shit and asks questions later. If I wasn't so caught up on Billie I might even give her a chance.

An hour or so passes and I head to bed. I then hear my phone ring and I practically run over to it, confirming its Emma I accept the call.

"You're not going to like this Raven..." she says and my heart races.

"What is it?" I ask.

"So you know how Stan had a side company? Where some sketchy shit was happening but we were all too afraid to ask?" She says and I hum in response.

"This Matthew guy is a part of it, except his real name isn't Matthew, that's just an alias." I process every word.

"So, who is he?" I ask getting slightly annoyed at the dramatics.

"His name is Caleb, Caleb Richards..." she says and my mind goes wild. "He is very fucking dangerous Rae" she finishes and I hang up on her after thanking her.
I need to get Billie away from that man.
And I need to do it without him getting suspicious of me.

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