Chapter 5: Madness Begins

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Raven POV

I wake up bright and early for my run, I get dressed and head out. An hour and a half later I'm back and everyone seems to be awake now. I greet Maggie and Pat who are in the kitchen making breakfast. I pass Fin on the way to the shower and he looked a mess, his ginger hair was everywhere and he looked very tired. I laughed at him and he groaned. When I got to my room I paused when I heard a noise from Billies room. I'm not exactly sure what it was but it definitely peaked my interest. I walked up to her door and placed my ear against it, my eyes widened when I realised what I could hear. My face instantly went red and I quickly went into the bathroom. She was...ya know...sorting herself out. Once I finished my shower I got dressed into my gear and Rob texted me telling me to meet him outside. I walked out and bumped into little miss horny. I smiled at her knowingly, it seems like she had just finished.

"Good morning Eilish" I smirk at her "feeling more relaxed now?" I raise an eyebrow at her.

"Wha- wait...did you hear me?" Her face went even more red.  

"Hear you what?" I winked at her and walked away, hearing her groan to herself.

I get outside and notice the black car sat there, I cautiously walk towards it until I see Rob sat in it. I calm down slightly and jump in the back. Rob is sat there holding a belt holster and a hand gun.

"What the fuck Rob?!" I look between him and the gun.

"It's legal over here Rae, which means you need to carry. You already have your licence and from what I remember you're a fucking brilliant shot" he handed me the gun and holster.

"Do you think I'm going to need to use it?" I asked as I attached the holster and put the gun in it.

"I hope not but I'd rather you have it and not need it than need it and not have it" he sighed. I looked at him and he seemed really stressed.

"What's wrong Rob?" I asked and he looked at me.

"When it's time I need to tell you something about this assignment but you have to keep it to yourself." I nodded

"When is it time?" He shrugged in response.

"Now get back to your crush and get ready to leave, the first show is here in LA but need to get there to do sound checks and shit" he chuckles and I roll my eyes as I get out the car.

I walk back into the house and it is in full chaos mode.

"Billie will you get fucking dressed we gotta go" Fin shouted.

"Shut up bitch I'm getting dressed now" she shouts back. Maggie and Pat are packing up the final things. I just stand there with all my shit by the door, when I hear a beep outside. I peek out and see a large black bus. I didn't think that it came to her house but whatever. I helped load all the stuff into the storage on the bus and we all got on. I sat at the front near the driver whilst the rest of the family sat at the back, they were all here except Zoe who was staying behind to watch Pepper and Shark at her own house. I suddenly feel pressure on my shoulder and smell a familiar scent, Billie has her chin rested on my shoulder whilst leaning down.

"Whatcha doingggg?" She asked and I laughed.

"That bored Eilish?" And she nodded with her chin on my shoulder. "You're cute" I whisper as I thought out loud. I instantly blushed when I realised what I said. 

"And you're soft as shit" she laughed and kissed my cheek before walking back to where Fin was sat.

Once we got to the hotel, I went up to my room and unpacked only a few things because we leave tomorrow. I set up my ear piece so I can hear the rest of the team, and leave because it is time for sound check. I knocked on Billies room and greeted her with a smile.

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