Chapter 24: I don't care.

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Billies POV- 2 Years Later

I rolled my eyes as my mom brought a cake to me as I was sat at the table. I love her really but damn I'm 23 now, I don't need a birthday cake.

"Happy Birthday" they all shouted and I rolled my eyes again but let out a laugh.

"Thanks guys, but it was my birthday like three months ago" I laughed and blew out the candles. We couldn't celebrate on my birthday because we were so busy with things at the end of last year. I looked around and smiled at all the people I love. It was my family, Drew and Zoe. I couldn't ask for anything more than these people.

After a few hours of celebrating I went back to my apartment which was just outside the city. I huffed and sat down on the couch. I turned on the TV and scrolled though instagram, there was just some news Chanel on so I was just using it as background noise.

"There she is ladies and gentlemen, the CEO and founder of Midnight Finances" the guy on the TV said and again I paid no attention.

"So Miss Midnight, how does it feel, owning and running the biggest financial company in Canada?" I hear the guy ask.

"Well, I've worked really hard over the past year and I have a great team behind me" the woman says and my heart drops to my ass. That voice. I look up and see her. For the first time in over two years. She hasn't changed at all, she just looks more confident. She is wearing a grey pant suit, her black wavy hair is placed over her shoulder. Damn she is fine.

Billie stop, that bitch literally broke your fucking heart.

"So you've just opened a new office in LA? Looking to take over the states after winning over Canada?" He asks and my eyes are fixated on her smile.

"Yeah, I'm going to be here for the foreseeable future now. Working with my team to build the company even more" she laughs slightly and there is a pain in my chest. I quickly turn the TV off.

It has been a few days since I saw Raven on the TV and my mind wont stop thinking about her. I'm trying to write new songs but all I do is think about her.

"William?" Fin waved his hand infront of my face, pulling me from my thoughts.

"Huh?" I said blankly and looked over to him.

"You didn't hear me, did you?" He rolls his eyes when I shrug. "Our label has moved us to a different accountant because there was some weird shit going on. Anyway, we have a meeting with them later today to discuss boring shit" he explained and I nodded at him.

"What company are we with now?" I fiddle with my smaller rings whilst praying he doesn't say Ravens company.

"Uhhh, I think it's called Midnight Finances?" He shrugged and my heart dropped.

"Fuck, why do we have to go with them?" I huff out and he looks at me weird.

"Since when does your home-schooled ass hold an opinion on financial companies?" He questions with a laugh.

"Since my ex is the founder and CEO of our financial company now" I roll my eyes and he stares at me.

"Wait, Raven?" He sounded happier than I wanted him to. I just nodded and looked down at my phone. This meeting is just going to be me panicking about bumping into her.

We pull up to the skyscraper building, it's a really sleek design. Why the fuck am I complimenting a building? Fin walks in and I trudge behind him, not hiding the fact that I would rather be anywhere else than here.

"Mr and Miss O'Connell" the gorgeous receptionist introduced herself. "My name is Chelsea, please don't hesitate to ask me about anything" she smiled at us and gestured to some seats in the waiting room. We sat and I just looked around at the décor, there is no way Raven did this, her ass can barley get dressed.

My eyes then land on the lift which chimed and started opening, I began to sweat but some random man just walked out and came towards us.

"Hello, I'm James. I'm going to be the one who you will contact for any questions, follow me to my office" he smiled and led us to the lift. 

We got to his office and I let out a deep breath, okay just get through this meeting and get out. James began to talk numbers and boring shit, I let Fin listen because I don't understand any of it, nor do I care.

We are in a medium sized office, windows were to the right of Fin and glass walls were to the left of me. I looked out them and watched people work and be normal. Sometimes I wished for a normal life but I love my fans too much. A door to an office across the hall opened and I saw Chelsea walk out, she was laughing at something and out walked the one person who I didn't want to see.

She looked so fine, I didn't think I would be the type to like people wearing suits but Jesus fucking Christ she was gorgeous.

I just stared at her, she hadn't noticed me, thank god, but I couldn't look away. I saw Raven turn around to talk to someone and Chelsea quickly pulled her blouse down, showing more of her cleavage. This bitch.

Raven turned back around and continued to talk to her, I could tell Chelsea was just laughing for the sake of flirting.

"Billie" Fin nudged me and I looked over to him and raised my eyebrows. "Sign the agreement" he laughed and I nodded whilst picking up the pen. I signed my name and turned back to where Raven was but she was gone.

Suddenly the door to James's office opened and Raven popped her head in, looking directly at me. Our eyes met and I could tell she was speechless.

"Sorry J-James I didn't know you had a meeting" she said but kept her eyes on me. He looked over to her but she had already shut the door and power walked to her office.

"Ive never seen her like that, and I've worked for here for a year now" he chuckled.

The meeting came to an end and we walked out the office.

"James, could you walk Mr O'Connell downstairs, I just need a quick word with Miss O'Connell" Raven said and I turned around to see her.

"Sure thing boss" James smiled.

I looked to Fin but he shrugged and followed James...Bitch ass.

"Hey" she said quietly.

"What do you want?" I huffed and didn't even look at her.

"To talk, but not here. I'm really busy, could I get your number?" She asked and I scoffed.

"The fuck? No you cant" I said and walked to the lift.

"Billie, please. I need to talk to you" she whisper yelled and followed me.

"Leave me alone" I said as I got into the lift.

She held the door open. "If you wont give me your number, meet me somewhere. The café, outside the city that you used to take me to. Ill be there tomorrow 2pm" she said with a small smile and let the door close.
Fuck sake! I'm not going, I don't care.

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