Chapter 21: What kind of name is that?

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(TW. Mentions of sexual assault) Also please bare in mind this is a fictional book, although theses characters are based off real people, it does not relate to their character or real life.

I'm finally settled into my apartment and billie spends most of her time here and I'm absolutely loving it. We have been so happy over these past few weeks, we go to meetings together, interviews and award shows. I mean it is my job but that's also my baby. I was currently sat on the sofa playing 'Red dead redemption 2' on my PlayStation.

"Can you give me attention pleaasseee?" Billie whined and I smiled as she placed her chin on top of my head.

"Ive been giving you attention, its Raven time now" I said and she huffed.

"At least play something entertaining" she sat down and looked disgusted at the screen. 

"I wanna be a cowboy baby" I laughed out; if you know, you know. Her phone started to ring and she got up, walking to the balcony to answer it. I didn't really pay attention because that's her business. She came back in a few minutes later.

"Shall we go to a party later?" She asked and sat next to me.

"Who's party?" My eyes not leaving the screen.

"Q's, I mean its his house but its not his party if that makes sense. It's my friends party, an old friend." She explained and I raised an eyebrow.

"Q? Like the fucking letter?" I laughed out and she smiled.

"Yeah, his names Brandon but we all call him 'Q' or 'Seven'" she finished.

"So he claiming letters and numbers?" I smiled at her as she rolled her eyes.

"Pleassseee its Drews party and you like her" she begged and kissed my cheek.

"Fine, but don't get too drunk Eilish" I warned her and let out a small laugh.

Why does this guys name ring a bell?  Maybe I've heard of him, anyway he has a stupid ass name.

A few hours later we arrive at this massive house. What kinda money is this kid making? Or has he just rented it out? With a name like Q, I'm gunna go with the latter. We got out of Billies car which she allowed me to drive. I know right her precious Dragon. We walked into the house and the smell of alcohol, weed and sweat hit my nose. Billie dragged me into the kitchen where we found Drew and some other girls.

"Danielle?" I gasped as I saw her.

"Raven!" She screamed and hugged me "how you doing bitch?" She laughed.

"I'm doing good, god I haven't seen you in so longgggg. You know Billie?" I asked and she rolled her eyes.

"Of fucking course, what kinda question is that?" We laughed and chatted for a while. I was apart of her security team about two years ago.

"So you and Billie huh?" She smirked and I nodded.

"Yeah, I mean it didn't mean to happen but love works that way huh?" I explained and smiled at Billie who was laughing and drinking.

"Soft ass bitch" Dani chuckled and offered me a drink, I refused it politely. I knew I could have a few and be okay but I don't wanna slip back into who I had become.

I did notice Billie was not slowing down with her drinking, we had been here about two hours and she was basically shit faced.

"This is my bitch" she slurred out as she grabbed the collar of my shirt and pulled me down.

"I know Bil, how about we slow down the drinks" I said and tried to get her drink of her but she ran away.

Before I could go after her, a guy pulled me outside the back. I had no idea who this was so I just looked at him.

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