Chapter 1

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It was september 10th. Kunikida, Atsushi and Dazai had gotten a Mission, to check out a couple of simular murder cases. They were supposed to meet at 8:30 am. As usual, Kunikida was the first one to arrive.

Kunikida Pov:
I arrived five minutes early, to make sure I was exactly on time and we could leave in time. Tough knowing Dazai, we wont make it in time anyways. Atsushi should be less of a problem, he is usually not late. Just in that moment, I saw Atsushi arrive at our meeting point. ''Good morning Kunikida-san'' Atsushi greeted him. ''Morning'' I responded. We then stood there rather silent, waiting for Dazai, for about five minutes. ''So Dazai's late, again?'' Atsushi asked, looking at me with an almost amused look. ''It seems that way'' I said ''But he's gonna be in real trouble once he arrives'' I added. We stood there for another 10 minutes. Still no sign of him. ''Should we call him'' The white haired boy asked, slightly impatient. I nodded and pulled out my phone. ''Damn that Dazai, why can't he ever be on time'' I cursed, as he didn't answer his phone. I send him a message, saying, that, if he doesn't get his ass out here right now, I'm gonna pick him up myself, and that he wont like the result of that. He didn't even read the message.

''Can't we just go ahead and he'll join us later on?'' Atsushi asked a couple of minutes later, obviously not knowing, how important Dazai was for this mission. ''No we can't. Unlike me Dazais precence is neccessary and efficient. You may not know it yet, but Dazais is after Ranpo our best investigator and detective. Until we might have discovered the exact connection between the victims, Dazai already finished the case. His presence at the case is required, since Ranpo is busy the whole day himself.'' Atsushi nodded. I sighed and sat down on a bench.

by the moment the time said, 9:20 I've had about enough of this. ''Atsushi!'' The boy who had been focused on his phone shot up, not expecting such a sudden interest in his attention. ''I'm gonna go to Dazais apartment, to pick him up. You can either go back to the agency and we'll pick you up there, or get something to eat and drink and come back here in half an hour.'' He nodded and said ''Alright, then I'm gonna go back to the agency and finish my report.'' He turned around and left.

I turned into the direction of Dazais home and started making my way there. I had never actually been there before, I've seen it from the outside, but now that I stood right infront of it, The house only had five apartments, so they must be quite big, and expensive as well. However I for some reason did own a spare key, given to me by to me by Fukusawa. I entered his apartement and screamed ''Dazai the hell, you're an hour late!!!'' I got no reply. So I instantly went into his bedroom, assuming, he had overslept, but he wasnt there. I checked the kitchen, the living room, his office room, another apparently unused bedroom, the downstairs bathroom, the walk-in closet even the storeroom, he was nowhere to be found. Then when I was bout to call the agency, that Dazai dissapeared again, I heard coughing. But I couldn't locate, where it came from. ''Dazai?'' I asked. There was no reply, shortly after, I heard another cough. Was he sick and couldn't come? but why didn't he at least call. I started to examine if I had left out a door or something, and there it was, in his bedroom, next to the door to the walk in clooset, was another door, wich I had taken as a double door. ''Dazai!?'' I asked again, this time louder. Still no responce. I put my ear on the door, from inside there was nothing to hear. I knocked on the door ''Dazai, you in there?''. No answer. I knocked louder. ''Dazai, if you're in there, please say something'' No answer. ''alright, I'm coming in !'' I said impatient. I tried to open the door, it was locked. 'why would someone who lives alone, lock his bathroom door?'. ''Dazai, open the door, please''. Nothing. ''Dazai, if you don't open the door within the next ten seconds, I'm gonna kick it down'' Still nothing. ''If you're messing with me, I'm gonna rip your head of''' Not a sound. I sighed. ''get ready!! The door is about to be kicked down'' I kicked into the door, It was quite stubborn, so I kicked once again. Almost, one more time and the door opened. I stood in shock. ''Dazai!'' It was a total mess. Dazai was laying on the floor, passed out. Several drizzles of blood on the floor next to his mouth, on the toilet, the wall and in the bathtub, his body was drenched in sweat, his skin was pale and his mouth opened, with blood drippinhg out. I ran up to him and shook him on his shoulders. ''DAZAI! DAZAI! CAN YOU HEAR ME? I SWEAR, IF THIS IS A BAD JOKE-'' I stopped in the middle of my screaming process, as I realized, that he was barely breathing. I immediantly checked his pulse, it was weak, barely noticable. I pulled my phone out of my pocked. Usually I would have called the agency, so Yosano could do what she does best, but thanks to Dazais ability, that would be incredible useless, so I called an ambulance. ''Hello You called 911 how may I help you?''
''Hello this is Kanikida Doppo (Idk if that's the right lastname I googled it so if it's wrong, please tell me) from the armed detective agency, I'm gonna need an ambulance to restan street 15 second floor apartment:''
''What happened sir?''
''I am unsure, but I just found my partner uncosciouss in his bathroom, he has obviously coughed up blood and might have a fever as well''
''I see, we will send an ambulance but I need to ask a couple of questions before. You said you're from the armed detective agency right? You have an ability user, who can heal working there, so why not call your co-worker?''
''Usually I would have, however my partners abilities cancells every other ability and a side effect of that is, that Yosano can't heal him, so thi-'' I broke in the middle of my sentence, when I noticed something on the sink. An almost empty pack of pills and half a glass of water.
''He didn't, did he?'' I mumbled as it was getting dead obvious to me what was going on, forgetting I was still on the phone. I picked the pack up and read the title (I have no knowledge about medication, so I'm just gonna use a random name to title the pills with) ''schrinustat'' I continued mumbling
''Sir? What did you just say, could you please repeat yourself, I didn't completely get that''
I was brought back to reality.
''I believe I know what happened to him'' I said coldly ''He took a couple of pills to much, he has attempted suicide multiple times before, but always failed''
''What pills did he take?'' The man asked slightly concearned now.
I heard the man gasp.
''How many?''
''I don't know but, the pack only has three left-''
''An ambulance will arrive in two minutes, please make sure, that your partner keeps breahing and his heart beating''
''Ok I will'' I answered, then the man hung up without another word. Luckily I had left the front door open, when I had previously entered in a hurry. So I wont have to open it for them once they arrive

Why would he? I mean he has tried it before, but it was only stuff like jumping into a river or such, always things that don't have 100% death garanty. I shook my head. I looked back down to Dazai. I had to keep him alive. He was trembling slightly, even though he was unconsciouss. I looked around me and started counting the drizzels of blood in different places, to find out how often he had coughed up blood, to get a picture since when the pills were in him. One. on the sink. Two. On the toilet. Three and Four. On the wall. Five. On the bathtub. Six, seven and eight. Around him on the floor. Suddenly his breathing became louder and scratchy. I looked at him, by now his head was on my lap. He was still unconsciouss, but his body was despertally trying to reject the pills. I lifted his head up a little. His face contorted and he coughed. --- more blood. I lay his head back down. Where is that ambulance? What is taking them so long?

/////// Ok, this was the first part. Sorry for grammar or spelling mistakes. Hope you enjoyed it. I'm gonna start writing the second part now, however, I don't know when i will post another part. But I definetly will, I like this story way to much and I haven't seen one like it yet so ....... to becontinued...

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