Blinding Truth

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Lyric POV

"Lyric hasn't made that an official decision, so she's gotta make sure her new place doesn't have any restrictions." Maverick reponds curtly.

"Oh really, Fyre? When'd you decide that? Before or after he was marking ya body up?"

"KYST!" I snap completely, caught off guard.

Maverick does a shity little chuckle and shakes his head. "You know she's grown, right? She's not that little 15 year old girl anymore."

"Oh, trust me I definitely know that!" The double entendre of Kyst's words has my stomach in knots and the vein bulging out of Meverick's neck is only making it worse.

 "STOP! I'm not a piece of property or a toy! I'm a damn human grown ass woman! Jesus Christ, you two! Every time you're around each other you start with this dumb shit!"

"All I"m sayin is don't be markin up my son's mother's neck where he can see it and ask!" Kyst kinda yells.

"You right." I sigh thinking it's gonna die down. "It got kinda rough, I wasn't tryna do all'at." Maverick finishes smuggly. 

I literally want to be swallowed into the floor right now.

"What the fuck you say, son?!" Kyst starts advancing on Maverick. "You think this shit is funny?! Ain't shit sweet ova here! Trust I will fuckin murk ya ass over Lyric! I don't fuckin play that run to daddy and call lawyers bullshit, rich boy! You've experienced first hand, I always got mine!"

"Stop, Kyst! London's gonna hear you!" I push at his chest. He just looks down at me, then back up at Maverick. While holding eye contact with Maverick he bends down to my ear level.

"Bring ya little ass outside, NOW!" He whispers in a guttural growl. Straightening up he walks past me and shoulder bumps Maverick on his way to my backyard.

"What the fuck he say to you shorty?"

"He said he wants to talk to me outside. I'll be right back.

"Lyric, look ma. I'm serious. I love you, but I'm not bout playin these little boy ass games with Kyst over you. Do you understand me?" He asks, holding onto my waist.

All the while Kyst is glaring holes into the back of his head and shooting daggers at me.

Looking up at Maverick I nod, "I know."

"Lyric, on my moms. I'm not bout to have you play me over him. If you wanna be with me then after London it's me, THEN Kyst. But shorty, if you wanna be with him then let me know."

"Maverick, don't say that! You know I wanna be with you. We literally had this conversation a couple hours ago! No, he's not London's biological father, but that's truly his son. He's my son's father so he has some say in certain areas of my life, Mav."

"I get that, now that I know. But check that shit before I do, Lyric. I'm serious. And that slick ass comment 'bout knowin all too well that you're not a little girl no more? Maaaan, check fam or it's gonna get really real in this bitch, ma." He bends down and kisses me. "I love you, but I'm not gonna have your jealous ass baby father disrespectin me, understood?"

"Yes, baby. I love you too. Now can I go?"

"Yeah." He kisses me again and lets go of my waist.

I walk outside to a fuming ass Kyst.

"He gone make me kill him, Lyric! On God I'm 'bout to fill ya little bitch ass boyfriend with some hot shit!"

"For what, Kyst?!"

The Flames of the Wild Fyre [Complete✔]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora