The Morning After

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Lyric POV

I look down at my hands, my knuckles are split and I have a mix of probably Skylar's and my blood on them. Shit, that's disgusting. I hope I don't catch shit from that bust down bitch! I'm pissed at myself that I let her get me to that point. I haven't gotten into a fight in 2 years. Remy and I stayed in fights especially when she used to live in the projects. My mind wanders more away from my knuckles and more towards what Silas said about that Mariah girl and Skylar said before I commenced to whooping her ass!

"Why is Mariah triflin? And is what Skylar said the truth?" I shift in my seat to watch Maverick's reaction. Like expected, one of pure guilt.
"Mariah, her friend, Silas said you can explain why she's triflin. What you fuck her too?"
"Mama look it-"
"Wow, don't worry about it." I search my purse for hand sanitizer to at least clean my hands. I find a pack of 'WET ONES' I keep for London when he's messy.

"What? Are you serious or is this some fucked up test?" Maverick asks cautiously.
"Hhhh!" I angrily breath out. "No it's not a test, I just can't give a fuck." In all honesty I want to be livid! I want to curse him out and tell him this bullshit between us is deaded, but I can't! Shit I almost slept with Kyst before our date! I still have feelings for Kyst and Maverick doesn't even know about London. I can't be a hypocrite, although Lord knows that's exactly how I want to react right now. I wanna slap the living shit outta him.

"What do you mean you can't give a fuck? What about? The situation or me or both?!" Mav asks genuinely taken aback and probably pissed by my response.
"The situations with those bird ass bitches."
"Lyric look I fucked Mariah a couple of times nothing serious and me and Sky have always messed around, she doesn't me-"
"I said I don't care. I can't be mad about it. It is what it is."
"What the fuck does that mean, Lyric?! Are you not mad cause you been fuckin someone else?!" He questions raising his voice, gripping the steering wheel tighter.

"What? Excuse me?!"
"Is it that you DON'T give a fuck or CAN'T give a fuck cause you're fuckin someone else?!" He yells back, placing emphasis on 'don't' and 'can't'.
"Umm, no I'm not! I just don't have the energy to give a shit!" It's really true. Between school, London, work, figuring shit out with Maverick, and figuring shit out with Ky I have no extra energy to play 'dick detective' for Maverick.

"That's some bullshit Lyric and you know it!"
"What?! You want me to get mad cause you're just another in a long line of dudes that can't keep their dicks in their pants?! You want me to get mad, that as hard as this relationship and being open shit is, I'm still trying? While you're still sleeping around and screwing your personal sex doll and apprently her friends?! You want me to show you how mad I truly am and slap the shit outta you?! Is that it, Maverick?! What, you need validation that I feel stupid for liking you and opening up to you? Just for you to be secretly fuckin chicken head ass Skylar and her equally chicken head ass grimey friend?! There, here it is..I feel like a dumb ass!" I shout at him and throw my hands up in defeat.

"Lyric, I'm sorry, but you were giving me mixed signals so I didn't know what to do!"
"That's it?! That's your excuse? So it's my fault?! That's a bullshit ass excuse and exactly why I wanted to NOT have this conversation. Cause that was a dumb ass response! When was the last time you fucked either of them Maverick?!"
"Shit Lyric! Like a couple days ago! I know I fucked up! I'm sorry!"
"WOOOOOWWW! That's whack! You're fuckin whack Maverick! You were just trying to sleep with me fuckin 2 days ago!"

"Oh ok, since you're so fuckin perfect when's the last time you fucked someone else?!" He screams back in an attempt to possibly find comfort in my answer, hoping and praying my sexcapades are relatively as recent as his.

"Almost 2 months ago, before I met you! And before that almost 2 years ago!"
"Yeah before 2 months ago I hadn't done ANYTHING sexual in over a year and a half!"
"Who was it 2 months ago?!"
"The damn person from a year and a half ago!"
"You've only been with 1 person?"
"Yes, and I'm done with this dumb ass conversation!"
"No we're not! Who was it?!"

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