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Omniscient POV

Maverick and Lyric finally make it to his car that he had to park down the block.

"Jesus are you kiddin me, Mav?!" Lyric asks stunned looking at his car.
"What?" He responds genuinely confused by her outburst.
"Your car! It's a damn Rolls Royce SUV! Who drives those, better yet who owns one?!"

"Your car! It's a damn Rolls Royce SUV! Who drives those, better yet who owns one?!"

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"You're overreacting! Come on dramatic!" He laughs teasing her as he opens her door.
"What is this miniature spaceship called?"
"Why, Lyric?"
"Just tell me!"
"A Cullian, now why?"
"Ok. Ok Google, how much does a Rolls Royce Culli-" He snatches her phone. "Stop give it back!" She whines.
"No Lyric! That's hella weird! Don't do that!"
"We're driving in something probably worth a damn house! How could I not be curious?!"
"Whatever!" He laughs pulling off.

"Where are we going?"
"You'll see!" He says excitedly.
"No clues?!"
"Nope, none!"
They drive quietly for a while before something that was just peeking Lyric's curiosity breaks the silence.

"Hey, Mav?"
"What's up, mami?"
"Why orange roses? Why not red or pink?"
"Simple. They look like fire, like you! My little Wild Fyre!" He attempts to hold her hand and she recils.
"What's the matter, mami?"
"Please don't call me that." Her stomach churning at the memory of the last time she was called 'Wild Fyre.'
"What baby? Wild Fyre?" He glances at her quickly enough to see the look of unfiltered disgust and repulsion.
"Yes." Her answer is so simple, but bathed in such loathing disdain.
"Ok, I won't, but why not baby?"
"I'd rather not talk about it before our date, ok?"

Maverick knows it's posed as a question, but is more of a demand dressed as a question. He knows now is not the time to dig any deeper, but he will hold this moment in the recesses of his mind to ask later. To better understand the mystery that is Lyric Fyre.

There is a long silence that torments Lyric as she plays Rowan's words back in her head repeatedly. Like a scratched record that the needle is caught in the same line of the song, over and over again. Her throat tightens as her palms become clammy thinking of the vile things that he forced her to endure that night. From him forcefully fingering her, to him 'tasting her sweet brown sugar' repeatedly until her body involuntarily orgasmed.

That only fueled his sick ideation that she was enjoying his forced sexual acts. She shutters as she recalls how rough he was, thrusting his sizable member in and out of her aching jaws while chanting just how his 'Wild Fyre's bonding time' with him had really paid off! Lyric can feel the bile rising up in her throat as she recalls the moment he truly tried to break her entirely. She has to harshly blink back the cascade of tears waiting to bombard her beautiful silky smooth chocolate cheek skin. Just then she feels the lightest, almost feather like, stroke across the back of her hand. She looks down to see Maverick lightly brushing the back of her hand with the finger pad of his thumb.

"You ok, mama? You got really quiet on me. I'm really sorry for calling you that." He apologizes softly. The concern and gentleness in his voice is contagiously comforting. He picks up her hand and lightly kisses it a couple times before resting their interlocked hands in her lap. She strokes his hand with her free hand.

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