Breaking News Part II

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Theme song: "Choose You." Kiana Lede

Lyric POV

"Maverick!" I scream startled by his violet behavior.

"Maverick my ass! Tell me the last time you let him fuck you! And you better not lie!" He demands in an eerily low deep voice. Gulping back my nerves I steady my voice to answer.

"Umm." I fidget with my fingers nervously. "Umm the-. A couple times before I got admitted to the hospital."

"Oh my fuckin God! You got shot fuckin with his ass, and almost died of sepsis and you were fuckin him still?! You fucked him after knowing you miscarried with MY baby?! What is wrong with you?!"

His questions, although only words, left a sting like a physical slap across my face. I found comfort in Kyst during the aftermath of the miscarriage and break up, Kyst just didn't know why the break-up affected me so drastically.

"Yes, he was there for me, when you weren't and it happened. I found comfort in him just like I KNOW you did in all of your many bitches!"

"It's not the fuckin same and you know it!"

"HOW?! YOU'RE WORSE! You CHEATED on me in the beginning, flipped your shit over London and fell BACK into the same bitch's pussy! SKYLAR, AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN! You've said some of the most hateful shit anyone has EVER said to me! You left me to deal with our break-up and OUR child's miscarriage after embarrassing the living shit out of me at my son's birthday! So yeah, I might not have made the best decision, but it happened!"

"Why him though? Why is it always his ass! Why the fuck does he have so much influence in your life?!"

"Because he's raising my son! Because he's been my protector since I was 15! What is wrong with you?! London only knows him as his father and he's always been there for me no matter how bad shit gets between us. He's ALWAYS there!"

"That's bullshit! He treats you hella disrespectful and talks to you all types of crazy! And he's not even London's real dad, apparently!"

"Oh my God! Really, what is wrong with you?! It doesn't matter if he's not London's biological father! They love each other, so that's what it is! If you can't handle that then you can go! I will never take London away from him!"

I see the hurt flash in his eyes, but in this case, I stand firmly in what I say. Kyst is London's father and that's it. Since the day London called him 'daddy', I knew Kyst held that title officially. No matter he and I's relationship.

"God, Lyric! Come on! Your protector?! You got shot fuckin with him! Then you fuck him after! And still allow him around London after putting you in dangerous ass situations?! Protector?! Lyric I am or was supposed to be your man, ME, not him! I'm supposed to protect you! And what if I want that title?"

"What title?!"

"Your 'protector' and to be London's father! I want to raise London like he's my own. What if I want to marry you and make him my son, legally? You tellin me I can't do that Lyric, over Kyst?!"

"Yes! I am! First of all those are all 'what if's', they're hypotheticals not definite. And secondly no, you will never replace Kyst. Just like if that was his biological son, you can't replace that relationship or him. That makes no damn sense for you to think you could erase their bond cause you and I are together. You know what? I think I'm over this conversation. You took it way left, we've gotten nowhere and my child is exposed now. So what is Skylar's address?"

"Wait, what? No we're not done talking! And why?!"

"Yes we are and I need to pay her ass a visit for this shit! What do you mean 'why'?!"

The Flames of the Wild Fyre [Complete✔]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें