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The next morning all the wolves and i make our way to the area in the woods that we have been told to meet in.

I look over at Bella and the Cullen's, all standing by Edwards Jeep, waiting for us.

They look up when they hear us come to a halt on a mound of dirt.

We all walk forward and we stand in a line in front of the vampires.

"They don't trust us enough to be in their human forms" Edward says to Carlisle, having read Sam's mind.

"They came, that's what matters" Carlisle says.

I stand next to Jake and Bella looks at us

"Hey, guys" She says as Jacob nuzzles his head into my neck and i purr happily.

"Welcome" Carlisle says as we stand "Jasper has experience with newborns he will teach us how to defeat them"

"They wanna know how newborns are different from us" Edward says

"They are a great deal stronger then us, because their own human blood lingers in their tissues" He says "Our kind is never more physically powerful then in our first few months of this life" He says

"They said that it sounds a lot like them, when they first get bitten they transform into their wolf form unexpectedly when they are angry, they don't have any control over it" Edward tells him.

"But how come i never saw Kate shift?" Bella asks and i think of the answer as Edward reads my mind

"Kate says that she would often disappear for a while after she got into a fight with her Mum or with you, she said that, like when you were attacked at the book store, the change happens in her eyes first, she could hold it off for a while, but her eyes would still change to orange and she would growl" He tells her and i nod.

"The first thing to remember when fighting newborn vampires is that you never let them get their arms around you" Jasper tells us "They will crush you instantly. Never go for the obvious kill. They will be expecting that, and you will loose.."


After watching Jasper fight with Emmet, Carlisle fight with Edward, Jasper fight with Rosalie and Alice fight with Jasper it was time for us to have a go.

After looking at Sam and getting a nod of approval i run into the woods and i change into my gym gear that i brought with me.

I walk out of the woods and i see Jasper waiting for me and i stand in front of him and we eye each other up.

Suddenly, he punches towards me, but i'm quick to move so that his arm outstretches past me.

I grab his arm and i chuck him over my shoulder, my strength gaining the upper hand.

I turn around and he's back on his feet.

I lift my leg and i go to kick him in the side of the head when he dodges it and i regain my balance, fast, as he charges at me.

He ends up pushing me back, but because of steal wolf body he doesn't manage to push me very far and i grab his shoulders, pushing myself up and i end up sitting on him.

I quickly put my arms around the back of his head and i jump off his shoulders, causing him to fly over my shoulder, by my hands still being around the back of his head.

He skids across the floor and he gets up, smiling at me

"Good, very good indeed" He says to me as he walks over and i smile

"Just using my year of fight training" I say to him as i jog over to the other wolves who are turning to leave and i shift into my wolf form, catching up with them as we leave.


The next day Jacob and i walk across the field that Jasper has chosen for the battle.

We walk up to Edward, Bella and Jasper as they walk over to us and we meet in the middle of the field.

"You're not fighting?" Jacob asks Edward when he sees him

"Did you pull a muscle or something?" I ask

"He's doing it for me, ok?" Bella says

"Whatever.." Jacob says to her and i hold his hand "Just tell me the plan"

"This field will give us an advantage in battle, We need to lour them here with Bella scent, it needs to end here" Jasper says to us

"Edward and i are going to a camp site, but even if he carries me, they'll still smell out scent" Bella says to us

"Your stench however-" Edward starts

"You really don't want to start comparing stinks" Jacob says

"What he means is, your scent will mask mine if you carry me" She says looking at us both.

"Done" Jacob says

"This is not a good idea" Edward says

"I would offer, but i can't" I say as they both look at me

"Why not?" Bella asks

"Don't take it personally I've just not carried a human a long distance before, i've barely been a wolf a year... You're too frangile" I say as Bella looks at me

"Ok, let's just try it" Bella says as she walks up to Jacob and he picks her up.

"Run" Edward says to him as he looks at me and runs off into the woods with her.

I watch them disappear and when they are out of sight i turn to Edward

"Y..You know, don't you?" I say to him and he nods "You can't tell her... i don't know how she will react and i haven't even told him yet" I say as i look down "I only found out this morning" I say to him, honestly.

"I understand, just tell your boyfriend that i don't want him near Bella anytime he doesn't have to be" He says and i nod as i watch both of them return, out of the woods and Jacob puts Bella down as he comes and stands next to me.

Bella's sister ✔️ ||Jacob Black TwilightWhere stories live. Discover now