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"What do you mean she's gone?!" I shout down the phone as i rush out of the pack house. "No, Edward, i trusted what you were doing! I trusted you to look after her and now she's gone!"

I grab Jacobs keys and i jump onto one of his motorcycles.

"I swear Edward, when i come face to face with you. You. Are. Dead!"


I get off the motorbike and i rush into the house that the Cullen's are staying in.

"You!" I shout as i catch sight of Edward "Where is she!?"

"Calm down, Kate, we think that she has gone to wherever this place is" Alice says and she hands me the drawing that she must have drawn after one of her visions.

"That's her old ballet studio, why would she go there?" I say

"That's where the tracker is, i think he must have called her and told her that he had someone"

"Mum" I say as i walk outside with the Cullen's and we drive to our old town.


"Bella!" I shout as i run into the building and i see her lying on the floor with a huge gash on her leg.

"Well, well well. If it isn't the other sister coming to protect Bella" A guy says as he walks out from behind a pillar and i stand up from the floor, shielding Bella from him.

"I don't think you want to see what happens when i get angry" I say as i watch him, carefully, smelling his blood sucker stench.

"Oh really, well i'm sorry to disappoint, but i'm gonna need to keep Bella for a little while longer, you know, to draw out the beast" He says and i can tell he is referring to Edward as he hates him.

Suddenly, i smell someone getting closer.

"Well, i guess i won't have to wait long" The guy says as he smells Edward coming.

Suddenly, Edward pounces onto his back from behind and he roles on the floor.

Edward catches the smell of Bella's blood and is transfixed for a second until the tracker comes and pounces back on Edward.

Suddenly Edward manages to reverse the situation and he now holds the tracker guy in a headlock against a wall.

I crouch down to Bella's side again as the other Cullen's arrive.

Edward getting here before them, because he is the quickest one.

"Carlisle, quick!" I shout as he rushes to my side "She's loosing too much blood!!"

I move out the way and Carlisle gets to work as i watch as Alice manages to decapitate the guy and set his body on fire.

"We have to save her!" I say, referring to Bella who is convulsing on the floor in pain.

Bella's sister ✔️ ||Jacob Black TwilightWhere stories live. Discover now