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Ok... I thought everybody would vote the damn death but I guess not... why!?😭 I was supposed to be done with this storyyyyy. Customer is always right hahhhh

As Daki and Gyutaro moved past the trees, Y/n couldn't help but treble and wince. The feeling in her gut wouldn't go away, it was bothering her. The fact that she couldn't breathe properly just by the mention of Muzan's name scared her.

"I have to..l have get away... I have- n-no... Daki-san won't harm me right? She's my friend, right?" Y/n thought, panicking in the sash. Finding it hard to breathe, Y/n began to try pulling her hands apart.

Struggling to move the sash that tied her feet and hands-

"Stop struggling Y/n! It's hard to concentrate!" Daki hissed as they jumped from tree to tree. Losing her concentration to perfectly land on a branch due to how much strength she uses just to keep Y/n in the sash.

Y/n tears up, the fear of even going close to Muzan was larger than she thought.

" I have to-

Suddenly, static came. Blocking her from hearing anything but the static. It grew louder and louder, to the point Y/n thought that her eardrums was about to explode.

Y/n touched the sash that binded her hands, "blood demon art, time and space" she commanded before the sash magically untied themselves. Like how Daki untied it when she let her go for a second.

Blinking her eyes, Y/n waited to see if Daki would notice. But feelings as the demons didn't stop moving, she continued. Turning her eyes towards the sash around her feet, she gulped. Slowly and carefully, Y/n reached her hand out, letting out a shaking sigh, Y/n forced her voice out. "Blood demon art, time and space" Y/n whispered and watched in untangle itself.

Letting a sigh of relief, Y/n left the sash on her mouth alone and moved the sash on her eyes a little and peeked what was outside. Only to gasp and shrink in fear. She was facing the ground while they were up on the trees. "It's t-too high... if I make one wrong move.. I'll fall" Y/n thought, shakily peeking out once again.

"I'll just wait until they dip down low-


Y/n's eyes widen. The once green scenery disappeared and was replaced a wooden floor. "W-what the-

Almost immediately, Y/n felt the powerful aura in the place and trembled in fear. There was nothing that made a sound, except for cracks of floors and Daki's shoes that clacked across the floor. Y/n could smell blood very strongly and almost gagged at the stench.

"Hey Biwa woman! Is Muzan-sama here!?" Daki shouts across the floor, facing the biwa demon who was stationed far in the center of the complicated place.

The biwa demon, Nakime nods and strums her biwa.


"Hm? You moved out of your place in the red light district?" Muzan hummed as he mixed his chemicals together in his suit. His red eyes focused on the bottles before glancing at the two siblings whom looked up at him.

"What in that sash?" Muzan asks.

Daki smiles and lets Y/n out. "W-we heard that this demon- ah, I mean Y/n, was able to handle sun quite better than the others. So we thought that you might see her valuable!"

Y/n stopped listening to them talk and only stared at Muzan fearfully. She had thought she would never see his face again, but it was all now happening right infront of her.

Even when Muzan was the second thing she feared, her body wouldn't listen to her. It only stood there, fear in her bones, preventing her from even moving an inch.

"Move... move! I said move-

Y/n stopped her thoughts when Muzan suddenly glanced at her stared at her right in the eyes. Anger flickering in them-

"Who told you to look at me?"

"I-I- ah!"

Y/n drops down to her knees and held her left socket tightly. Covering it with her hand as blood began to spill out of it. "Ahhhh! It hurts! It hurts!" Y/n screamed in pain. Her hand shaking while tears dropped to the floor. The pain was so unbearable for her caliber.

She could take a sprain or two, even broken bones due to she lived with her brother in the forest. But having her left eyes socket pierced was painful and too unbearable for her to bare.

Daki gasps, "M-Muzan-sama!" Daki exclaims, fighting herself back on even running to help her. "W-why'd you do that!?" She shouts, confused as to why the man loud do such a thing.

Gyutaro glanced at Y/n who screamed in pain, scratching his cheek, he sweats. He couldn't help but feel bad for the girl whom he grew close by just watching from afar. But even he did, the 'respect' for Muzan came first. "Stop it, Daki" he mumbles, blocking her with his thin arm.

Daki looks at him angrily, "But Onii-chan!"

Muzan then appears infront of the screaming Y/n and grabs her chin and forces her to look up at him. "Hm... I was right. You were that girl months ago" he says, scanning her face.

"Yes... the girl with a brother, right? You were like a weak bunny in that large and dark forest" Muzan says, roughly pushing his hand away from her face and slipping his hand in his coat to pull a cloth 0ut. Wiping his hand, he turns to Daki who looked confused and scared.

A mixed emotion. Muzan could see emotions clashing in her eyes, along with the fact that he could hear her thoughts nettle themselves due to her care for Y/n and respect and adoration for him.

Sighing, Muzan walks to her and pats her head. "Roast her in the sun and we'll see" he says before turning back to the bleeding Y/n and slashes one of her arms off, making her scream even more.

Grabbing it, he huffs. "And I'm taking this for experiments"

A/n: ok so I actually loved the design for Y/n and made her my oc, I did some canary's of her and really like her in the oiran style so... enjoy.


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