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Tengen ran towards the window and leaned his head out, only to see the demons had already been gone. "Shit!" He hissed-

"Tengen! We're here! Where's the demon!?" Tanjiro shouts, way ahead of the two whom still frantically tried to fix their clothing. Clutching his sword, he watched as the hashira dropped down from the window and stomped towards him.


Suddenly, he grabs Tanjiro's collar and brings him up to his face. "You brat! Did you know!?" Tengen screams angrily at him, his veins pumping with blood as he breathed raggedly.

Tanjiro looks at him confused, "What-

"Don't 'what' me! Did you know that she was a demon!?" Tengen asks, his grip on Tanjiro's collar tightened. "Did you!?" He asks once again, wanting to get an answer.

"D-did the demon say anything or did Y/n got hurt and heal?" Tanjiro thought before gulping. "I-

"What the hell are you doing, you old man!?" Inosuke shouts, tugging his arm off Tanjiro. "Hands off!? What are you doing!?"

"You brats..."

Inosuke glanced at Tanjiro who gave him a stare. And with that one look and along with his sister's disappearance, it all made sense. Turning to him, he began to glare at the hashira. "You bitch! What did you do to my sister!? Where is she?! Why'd you let the hurt her!?"

Tanjiro immediately held Insouke back, along with Zenistu. Facepalming, he whisphers to Inosuke's ear. "I think he found out Y/n's secret" he whispered lowly.

"What...?" Insouke mumbled, slowly calming down. Seeing that he had calmed down, Tanjiro lets go of him while Inosuke crouched down to his knees and held his head/mask tightly.

Zenitsu sends a worried glance. "Insouke?..."

"I knew it... you brats knew all along" Tengen growled, releasing a murderous aura at the three. "You dare take advantage of Oyakata-sama's kindness!? Hiding another demon even though one was already trouble!? How many more, huh!?" Tengen berated.

His rage and anger just kept boiling, he couldn't believe his master had trusted these children with the fate of the own reputation of demon slayer corps. "How could you hide-

"It wasn't our intention!" Tanjiro exclaims, blocking Tengen from hitting Inosuke.

Tengen stops. "What do you mean not your intention?! You three hid-

"N-no! We just knew about it after Muichiro, the mist pillar trained her!" Zenitsu stuttered out, helping his friends. "Me and Tanjiro didn't know and she was normal at first b-but she suddenly showed signs of being a demon!" He says before looking down.p and clenching his fists.

"But I know for a fact Y/n-chan would never devour a human! She has no thirst and eats human food normally. The fact that she never drooled for blood in battle just proves that she won't harm a human!" Zenitsu shouts confidently.

Tengen glares at them before sheathing his sword. "I don't trust any of you. We gave you our trust after Oyakata-sama gave you a chance redeem yourselves yet... you trampled over it and gave a new problem! I am ashamed" Uzui says as he walked past them.

"The demons grabbed that kid and ran away, if she is special as you deemed to say. Then prepare to find out that she's dead"

Inosuke's eyes widen at his words and gritted his teeth.

"Anyhow I- what the hell do you want!?" Tengen hissed as Insouke had grabbed his collar and pulled him down.


Y/n stared at her surroundings confused. She was wrapped around in Daki's sash, covering everything, and I mean everything. Like a mummy wrapping. She couldn't see nor hear anything, well, she can somewhat hear but it came out muffled.

Like now.

"But... is a su... we have... her...so we can... together after... him" Daki's voice spoke out, being muffled by the sashes that covered her ears. "Well... I know..."

"He's going to... her" Gyutaro's voice came next.

"Ho... ot... I would've.... et it"

Y/n's brows furrowed, grunting slightly in frustration as she couldn't move properly. "Seeing Daki-san's ability before in her sashes and how she handles people... I'm on the air, right?. She asked herself, not feeling anything poke her knee when she tried wriggling it down.

Moving her limbs, Y/n frowns in realization. "Hands... are tied behind my back..." she thought, moving her hands which was bounded by a sash. "Legs..." wriggling her legs, she sighed. "Also tied- ack!"

Suddenly, the sashes tightened, not only did it tighten, it pulled the sash that binded her feet closer to her back. It forced her legs to bend in the most uncomfortable way possible. Y/n grits the sash that was in between her teeth. "Ugh... my back!" She thought as it also bent her spine along with her legs.

At the same time, the sashes that surrounded her tightened too, leaving her to need for air mor quickly. Despite being flexible as her brother, she never tried bending like her brother. Just seeing it alone made her die with worry.

"Anyways... why am I tied up!?" Y/n thought before wriggling against the binds as she gritted her teeth against the sash-

Feeling soup me thing weird, Y/n slowly let her tongue run over the upper front teeth. "...fangs?"

Suddenly, Y/n could feel Daki's raging aura and gulped. "Never mind" Knowing that the demoness would most likely to forget that she was in her sash, Y/n began to shout through the sash in her mouth. Struggling as much as she could to catch their attention.

Both Daki and Gyutaro turned to the sash. She looked like a worm.

Turning to her brother, Gyutaro sighed and nods.

Daki then releases Y/n from her sash, dropping her on the ground.

"Eek!" Y/n shrieked in surprise that the sashes was quick to move away and leave her to fall in the dusty ground. She winced and groaned at the slight sting on her chest and slowly sat up. "O-oww..."

Looking up from the two who stared down at her, Y/n gulps. "S-so... umm... where are you taking me?" She asks, always listening to their talk despite being so busy in analyzing her situation.

Daki places her hand on her hip and says. "To him"

A/n: have you guys seen the trailer!?

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