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It was still early in the morning and the people in the treatment house were already wide awake and-

"Uwaa!!! You're so cute, Y/n-chan!!!~" Zenitsu shrieks, blushing as he sat beside the female.

Y/n looked away from him, thankful for her hair acting like a curtain that set a wall between her and Zenitsu. "Why is he here again?" She thought, after days of being in this treatment, Zenitsu had been bothering her nonstop. Despite Inosuke's frequent beatings, Zenitsu always pushed through and talk to her.

As much as Y/n respected his persistence to get her trust, she didn't like how he always approached her

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As much as Y/n respected his persistence to get her trust, she didn't like how he always approached her. He was too persistent.

"Y/n-chan!~ you look so lovely in your sleeping kimono!"


"I brought your plate! Lets eat together Y/n-chan~!"

"U-Um no thank you"

"It's so hot today Y/n-chan! You can remove your kimono if you-

"The hell are saying to my sister!!


Y/n shook her head quickly, just thinking of her removing her kimono made her shudder. Especially now, since she was here in a room with full of unfamiliar faces.

"I think I'm not sleeping well more than I did in our mountain" Y/n thought, her eyes were stinging due to her lack of sleep. Her guard was up all the time since she knew what Zenitsu's strengths are.

Ignoring the boy as he continued to rant, she scanned the room and paled. "I'm alone with this boy"

As Y/n dreaded on her seat, she hears Tanjiro open the door and let out a sigh of relief

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As Y/n dreaded on her seat, she hears Tanjiro open the door and let out a sigh of relief. Sneaking a glance behind her, her eyes widened at her brother's murderous aura.

She quickly turns to Zenitsu."You better run form Onii-sama" Y/n whispered to him.

"You better run form Onii-sama" Y/n whispered to him

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"H-huh? What do you mean Y/n-Chan-

"Inosuke! Calm down!" Tanjiro shouts, holding Inosuke back from beating Zenitsu into a pulp once again.

"Mmph! Mmmnph!" Nezuko huffed, holding Inosuke's hide back to help her older brother.

"How many times will I have to kill that brat? Shall I get my sword-

"Inosuke! Stay put! Don't you dare!" Tanjiro screams, struggling at holding him. Before he knew it, he had let go of the raging boar.

"Kyaaa!!! Gomene!" Zenitsu wailed, dodging Inosuke at the best he can. "I really am! I won't do it- kya!"

"I will kill you!!!"

"Kyaaa!!! Yamete!!"

Zenitsu hops on the wall, just in time to avoid Inosuke's lunge before pushing himself back to the floor. "I'm sorry ok! It's not everyday I get to see beautiful girls!" He exclaims. "If Tanjiro wasn't scary whenever protecting Nezuko-chan, I would've- eek!"

The two girls stared as both their elder brothers chased the poor blonde boy with murderous aura.

"Scary..." they both shivered.


Nezuko and Y/n both helped each other to carry a blanket fit enough to fit the three boys at once. They trudged towards the three boys who all slept ontop of another, snoring their worries away.

"1... 2... 3- go!" Y/n whispered before both of them raised the blanket and let it cover the boys.

Y/n gave a smile to Nezuko. "A-arigato" she stammered, bowing slightly to the demoness.

"Mmph!" Nezuko replies, copying her bow in response.

"You should got to sleep, Nezuko..."Y/n tells the girl who continued to stare at her. "I remember Tanjiro telling Onii-sama that you have to sleep to regain strength...so you better go..."she mumbles as she pushed Nezuko's box forward.

Nezuko nods, slowly crawling into her boy and pulling her knees to her chest once she entered. Her pink eyes stared at Y/n who closed her box. Y/n gave one last smile before closing the box fully.


"Y/n... Y/n....Y~/n... Y/~n....Y/n Hashibira...Hash..ibira" Y/n continued to mutter while she wrote her name on the dirt with a branch. Despite living with ni education, she at least wanted to remember the spelling of her name. Doing this everyday might help her.

"Y/n? Ah, you're writing your name again?" Tanjiro asked, peaking in form the door. His maroon eyes immediately landed on her crouched figure and the written names on the ground. Walking closer to her, he smiled softly. "You've been doing that ever since we arrived here" he says, now crouching beside her.

"I want to know my name's spelling. I can atleast write my name even with no study" Y/n mumbled, witting and erasing her name again and again. "Onii-sama will have a hard time knowing this if he's taught by sombone else, I should atleast be the one to help him... to pay back all the dood things he's done por me" she explains, frowning when she wrote a different letter.

Tanjiro notices and chuckles. "May I?" He asks, holding his hand out for the branch.

Y/n looked at him and slowly gave him the stick. "...Sure"

"The letter here is supposed to be.... and this one is... there's  no line there only... hai, it's this and it should one line only...

Y/n nodded along with his 'lesson'. She was quite comfortable with the boy, feeling his brotherly aura was on par with inosuke. It calmed her since he had no ulterior motives... unlike Zenitsu.

Tanjiro glanced at her attentive listening and focused on teaching her, his grip on the branch tightened. "I need to find out the end of her encounter with Kibutsuji" he thought, continuing to wrote on the dirt. "I have to"

"Kek kek kek, look Inosuke, Tanjiro's getting closer with Y/n-chan" Zenitsu teased the boar who laid on the floor. A smirk on his face, wanting to get under Inosuke's skin.

Insouke turned to him and shrugged. "That's fine" he says, surprising Zenitsu.

"W-what?! But how come-

"Tanjiro's fine since he has a girl, but you're creepy"

"Waaa!!! So mean! Nezuko-chan! Look, he's so mean to me!"


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