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Y/n's haori is up here☝️


Next day

Zenitsu walked out the butterfly mansion nervously, his hands were sweaty as he held Y/n's hand. His face were warm due to him holding another girl's hand. "Ohgoshohgoshohgoshohgoshohgosh-

Y/n stared at the nervous boy and inwardly sighs. "Calm down, Z-Zenitsu" she whispered to him.

"Eek! Sorry Y/n! It's just that your soft smooth hand-

"Ok ok, I g-get it. Just i-imajin I-I dint say a-anyding" Y/n stammers, looking aside. "C-can we go faster? Someone m-mide see us" she tells him, looking around anxiously.

Zenitsu bites his lip, feeling the same before slipping his hand under knees and carries her up.

"E-eh!?" Y/n gasps in surprise, startled at the sudden action. "W-what are you-

"Hold on"

Zenitsu runs as fast as he could, using his breathing technique to make himself faster. Y/n held on to him, closing her eyes tightly as wind zipped past them, she could feel the icy cold air in her skin while the sleeping bugs slammed into their

He stops abruptly, accidentally flinging Y/n forward.

"Eek!" Y/n shrieked once she no longer felt Zenitsu's warmth, only feeling the air and gravity pull her down.


Air knocks out of Y/n's lungs once she lands into someone else's arms, the force of impact made her body slide down while her back legs were supported up.

"You guys are creating trouble everywhere, so noisy" Obanai hissed, not sparing a glance at the struggling girl in his arms.

"Eek!" Y/n shrieks as she finally slipped off his arms and lands butt first into the ground. "O-oww"she mumbles, wincing before stumbling up once she grabbed Zenitsu's stretched out hand.

"S-sorry! We were j-just in a hurry" Zenitsu stammered nervously, the intimidating aura of the hashira was overwhelming.

Obanai huffed before turning to his heels, "Just stay quiet and get out of my sight"



"What took you both so long?" Tanjiro asks the two, "We need to go or else we'll miss the 'train'" he says as he wrapped the food in his haori.

"S-sorry, we met the other hashira on the way. We almost got caught" Zenitsu tells him, panting heavily with Y/n standing beside him.

Y/n immediately runs to Inosuke and jumps into his back. "P-pleash d-don't hand me over t-to him again" she stutters as she hugged his neck tightly. Trembling at the thought of her falling, worse was landing on someone she doesn't know.

Inosuke gives a menacing aura which gave Zenitsu chills. "Eek! Y-you're the one who said that I should be the one who bring her here! D-don't go glaring at me!" He shrieks. "Besides! It's all Tanjiro's fault too! Wanting to leave just before dawn, it's ridiculous!" Zenitsu whines, pointing at the maroon haired boy.

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