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The two boys watched as Y/n sleepily crawled towards Inosuke's bed in the middle of the night and watched as the girl plopped down tiredly and immediately slept as soon as her head touched his outstretched arm. Still not done, they watched as Inosuke groaned and hugged her from behind.

"...are you and your siblings like that? Tanjiro?" Zenitsu asks, wides eyes when he stared at the two overly attached siblings. "I-I mean..."

"Well...there are siblings like that... but I'm not sure" Tanjiro replies, still staring at the two. "They did grow up in the forest full of wild life, I guess that's just how they protect themselves" he explains tho his blonde friend. After all, he did hug his siblings to sleep before.

Suddenly, Inosuke groans as he turns his head to them. "Stop staring at us, you're not making us sleep!" He says before turning to Y/n again and sleeping.

The two facepalmed and turned away. "Lets just sleep"

"You're right"

"S-stay away! Stay away!!" Y/n shrieks in fear as Tanjiro tried to bring Nezuko closer to her.

His worried face looked at her. "Nezuko won't hurt you, Y/n" he tells her before hugging his sister from behind and lifting her up. "See? She's not even struggling" Tanjiro says.

"Mmph" Nezuko adds as Tanjiro slowly placed her down.

Y/n shook her head vigorously. "No! No! S-she has the same color of eyes as him!" She sobbed, covering her eyes just to not take a glimpse of her pink eyes.

Both Tanjiro and Nezuko tilted their head and confusion before turning to one another.



Crouching, Tanjiro sits beside the frightened female. He sighs inwardly. "Good thing Inosuke's out doing whatever" he thought. "Can you tell me who is the person you're referring to?"

Y/n sniffled, pulling her knees close to her chest. "He...

"Onii-sama! Onii-sama! Stop playik around! I'm pired already!" Y/n shouts, panting uncontrollably once she leaned her hand against the tree. "You're too good in giding! I give up!" She says but hears no response.

Y/n groans and slides down the tree trunk. "I bet Onii-sama slept adain..."

"Hm? Oh, a child" a man's voice suddenly was heard.

She immediately springs up and hops away, her eyes glaring at the red eyed man who's walking out behind the tree. "W-who are you?" Y/n hissed, her hand inching forward on her thigh where her knife was.

"Don't be so wary of me, I'm not going to harm you in any way" he says, raising his hands up in surrender. A soft smile on his face as he moved away from the tree, revealing his suit.

Despite his sweet approach, Y/n's guard did not falter one bit.

The man realizes this and sits down by the tree. "I'm not going to hurt you, I'm just sitting here, see?" He says before patting the empty space beside him. "Here, come sit beside me" he says.

Y/n scans him carefully, something tells her to run but the fact that he came unarmed calmed her for a while. Besides, even if he did try to get her, she could avoid him well enough.

Slowly, she crawls over to him and sits beside him, still staring at him cautiously.

"What's your name, little one?" He asks softly, the smile on his face never leaving. "My name's Muzan, nice to meet you" he introduced himself.

Y/n glances to the side, still waiting for Inosuke to show up. "...Y/n Hashibira" he whispered, hoping he wouldn't hear it.

"What a wonderful name my dear, are you alone?" He asks her, scanning the area as he noticed her frantic eyes. "You seem to be looking for someone earlier, I could hear your shouts from the edge of the forest" Muzan chuckled,pointing where he had come from.

"...I'm looking for my Onii-sama" Y/n answers, gripping her kimono tightly, afraid that the man would do the things she feared.

He smiles gently and stood up, startling her. Slowly, Muzan held his hand out. "Let me help you search for him"

In that moment, Y/n's guard crumbled almost immediately. She jumped up and held his hand. Her eyes glimmered excited and grateful for his help. "L-let us hurry then!" She exclaims before dragging him.

"Onii-sama! There you are!" Y/n says, relieved to see her sleeping brother on top the tree's branches. "Never knew some peovle have sharp sense like me and Onii-sama" she thought, stealing a glance at the red eyed man.

As Y/n caught a glimpse of him, her blood ran cold.

His once warm eyes turned cold while the friendly and calm aura he gave off gave shivers down her spine. Her throat fired up almost instantly, his whole demeanor changed in just a second.

"O-Onii-sama- umph!!!" Y/n's eyes widened when Muzan covered her mouth tightly. His hands almost digging into her face just by how tight he held her. Her heart raced, panicking gently while she struggled and screamed behind Muzan's hand. Tears ran down her face, she couldn't believe she had trusted someone so easily.

Her whole body shook in fear once she realized his nails got longer and one of them turned blue. Terror struck and began to kick him again and again but he didn't even flinch.

"Good thing you led me straight to your own brother, you'll have have a feast in such a short time after I turn you" Muzan tells her, his blue sharp nail inching closer to her face. "Be useful to me, Y/n-

"Don't touch my sister!!!"

"Don't touch my sister!!!"

"Eek!" Y/n shrieks, stumbling back when Inosuke suddenly dived to Tanjiro. "O-Onii-sama! Stop!" She stammered, trying to pull her older brother off the poor boy.

"Mmph! Mmmph!!" Nezuko huffed angrily, smacking Inosuke's back, helping Y/n pull him away from Tanjiro.

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