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Since you guys blew up the votings, I decided to creat a new chap as soon as I can!

Y/n walks towards the once dark mountain. The sinking feeling of fear was nowhere to be found unlike last night.

Jumping over a small stream of water, Y/n scans the wooded area and sighs. "It stinks in here" she thought, smelling the scent of blood and death all over the place. Worry filled her as she walked through the forest. "Did Onii-sama get hurt? I hope it's not too bad"

"Eek!" Y/n shrieks, suddenly tripping over a loose vine. Shuddering, she immediately stood up. "Oh no! My kimono's dirty now! Onii-sama's going to be mad!" She says, trying to wipe the dirt off but made it worse. Tears brimmed her eye as she began to panic.

"The dirt won't come off!" Y/n panted. "I'm- huh?" Y/n stared at the crow's beady eyes whom stared at her. "...a crow? It s-sheems familiar..." she muttered to herself, continuing to stare back at it.



The crow then swoops down and lands on her shoulder. Y/n stiffens upon his landing. "U-umm..." she mumbles, staring at it as it stared back at her once again. Her eyes widen at the familiar confident stature and gasps. "Y-You're Onii-sama's crow, right!?" Y/n gasps, now noticing his features.

"Follow me" the crow tells her and flies away.

Y/n stared at him and frantically stood up to catch up to the black bird. "A-ah wait!" She shouts, finding it hard to follow the flying animal.

"Hey- ah!" Y/n slips on the muddy ground and lands on her behind. Groaning, she forces herself up and continues to run after the crow.

"W-why can't I catch up to it!? I've been afle to run past the virds back in our forest, so why can't I now!?" Y/n thought to herself, already panting heavily. Closing her eyes tightly, she groans. "It's so hard to run- Oof!!"

Tripping, Y/n's eyes widen. "I-I tripped again!?-

Suddenly, a warm hand hold the back of her waist and holds her up. "Are you Y/n?" A male's voice asks her.

A boy with mint dull eyes and long black hair with a mint color on the tips stared down at her, scanning her face.

Remember ping his question, she nodded slowly. "I-I'm Y/n, w-why?" She asks and sees the handle of his sword poking side and gasp. "A-are you a demon s-slayer!?" Y/n excitedly gasped to which he nodded.

"Follow me, I'll bring you back to Oyakata-sama" he tells her nonchalantly, turning away.

"O-Oyakata-sama? Not O-Onii-sama?"

The boy shrugs and stayed silent.


Y/n stares at the familiar purple trees and relaxed. She knew none of those bad people would come as they feared these very trees.

"Welcome back Tokito Muichiro, we have awaited your return" two girls said in sync. A small smile plastered on their faces, they look like dolls in Y/n's eyes.

"Oyakata-sama has also awaited for you and Y/n's return" A woman walks towards them, bearing the same white hair the two girls possessed. "Follow me" she says, walking past them.

Muichiro glanced to Y/n and motions her to follow.

Y/n nods timidly and shyly follows the boy.

Despite only traveling together with Muichiro for a day, she felt safe whenever she's near him. He lets out an aura of a powerful person, just like Muzan but... not in that kind of way.

Even when Y/n dislikes noisy people, she couldn't stand how emotionless and silent the mint eyed boy was. It drove Y/n crazy when she didn't have anyone to talk to.

"Y/n-san, please enter with Muichiro. Oyakata-sama would like to talk with you both" Amane says to the girl softly, being informed that Y/n was soft and timid



"This is all Tanjiro's fault!" Inosuke shouts, pointing at the already bruised maroon boy.

"W-what!? My fault!? I was just being worried for her own safety!" Tanjiro argued, his brows scrunching.

"G-guys calms down! Guys!" Zenitsu tried to hold Inosuke back form creating a fight with Tanjiro. "Inosuke, calm down!" He shouts, gripping his arms back.

"Let go-

"Who's creating such a loud ruckus, hm?~" Shinobu asks, opening the door to their shared room with an irked smile.

The three boys gulped and immediately went to their beds. "W-we're quiet ma'am!" The three of them exclaims nervously, looking at the dark aura Shinobu was releasing while they shivered down to their feet.

Shinobu lets out a sigh and turns her head to the side. "Are you sure he's your brother?"


The three boy's eyes widen at the familiar voice. "Y/n-

Y/n's head slowly pops up from the door's side-

"Y/n!!!" The three screams and scrambled out their beds and jumped to the poor girl.


Muichiro, who was just standing behind Y/n grabbed the back of her kimono and moved the both of them to the side, successfully avoiding the three.

"Oh... t-thank you Muichiro-san..." Y/n stutters, glancing at him.

The mint boy nods back, softly letting go of her kimono to turn to the three. "Hey, don't leave someone behind. You're making me work extra hard" he says to them ,glaring at them angrily. "Next time you three do this, I won't stand by" he huffed before walking away.

Y/n bows as he walks past her. "T-thank you again, Muichiro-san"

Muichiro stops, turning his head to her. "...don't thank me, thank Oyakata-sama"


"Hey! Even epic you're the one who brought my sister back, I won't thank you!"minosuke shouts as he was being held by his two friends, preventing him to say more to the cold hashira.

Muichiro turns to him. "Shut your mouth and leave you sister out of danger"

Shinobu lets out a giggle, watching the boy disappear. "He's cold as ever, isn't he Aoi?" She giggled to Aoi.

"I guess..."

"Don't worry, Y/n" Shinobu smiles, placing her hand in the girl's shoulder. "He's just like that, just be friendly to him and he'll crack" she says, patting her shoulder. "But of course, we might need to treat your sprain"

Y/n turns to Shinobu in surprise. "I had a sprain?"

Shinobu's smiling face stared at her. "...why yes, haven't you seen your ankle? Do you not feel the pain? You've been walking for a day with Muichiro and he haven't pointed it out?"

"Was that why it was so hard to catch up to Onii-sama's crow?" 

"...nevermind that, let's just get you treated"

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