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nobody knows this little rose —
it might a pilgrim be
did I not take it from the ways
and lift it up to thee.
only a bee will miss it —
only a butterfly,
hastening from far journey —
on its breast to lie —
only a bird will wonder —
only a breeze will sigh —
ah little rose — how easy
for such as thee to die! -Emily Dickinson

only a bee will miss it —only a butterfly,hastening from far journey —on its breast to lie —only a bird will wonder —only a breeze will sigh —ah little rose — how easyfor such as thee to die! -Emily Dickinson

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end of the road

Angeline stood in a cluttered but cozy apartment kitchen, lightly drumming her fingers against the wall as she looked through the pantry. Letting out a happy sigh when she found what she was looking for, which happened to be a package of black tea, the girl moved towards the kitchen table. A mug of hot water awaited her.

Holding her tea in one hand, Angeline made her way towards the living room. Gracefully placing herself on the small couch, the girl searched around with her free hand until she found what she was looking for. She placed the blanket around her, taking in a deep breath. She was home.

"I brought home dessert!" a light voice calls out as they open the door.

"I made tea for you, it's on the kitchen counter."

A quick peck is placed on Angeline's cheek, and she watches as her roommate places a pale box on the kitchen counter. Turning around, she flashes a warm smile, and flashes a bundle of envelopes in her hand.

"You've got mail Angie!"

A pale envelope is passed to Angeline as Imogene makes herself comfortable on the couch, slightly shifting so the blanket covers both girls.

"Open it, open it, open it!"

Angeline laughed and lightly tore open the envelope, pulling out the thick piece of paper inside, along with a folded note. Folding open the paper, Angeline began to read.

Dear Angeline,

Hey, it's Steven. I know that we haven't really talked in a while, and that's partially on me. I've been like super busy, with school and other things, and haven't really had time to write. An engineering degree won't earn itself you know.

Anyway, that's not why I decided to write. I have a big question to ask of you, and I totally understand if you say no. But I just wanted to ask because you are so important to me.

I would love for you to come be the maid of honor at my wedding this summer. My fiancée and I really think you would be perfect. And I know that it sounds a little weird but it would really mean a lot to me if you could. You're my best friend, and you know me better than anyone. I don't think I could do it without you. But the irony of the situation is not lost on me, true me I know. So I totally understand if you want to say no.

If you can, get back to me and let me know as soon as possible.

Hopefully a see you soon,
Steven K.C. Meeks jr.

Angeline placed the note onto the couch, and reached for the card that came alongside it. It confirmed her suspicions and she placed that on the couch as well. Taking a sip of her tea, she turned to face the other girl, who was looking onto her with concern.

"You should go," Imogene whispers, wrapping her arm around the girl, bringing the two closer. Angeline leaned into the gesture, nestling her head on the girl's shoulder. Imogene's free hand rubbed comforting circles into Angeline's back.

"He obviously wants you there Angie."

Angeline looks up, unshed tears threatening to come out. Wiping them away, she moves away and instead focuses on the nearest window, watching as the rain trickles down the glass.

"I don't want to disappoint them."

Arms are wrapped around the girl's middle, giving a comforting squeeze. Imogene lays her head on top of Angeline's, giving a small kiss to her hair.

"And you won't."

Imogene stands up and walks towards the kitchen. Angeline stays in her position, still wrapped up in her blanket and watching as the rain drops slide down the window in some sort of race. Giving a small smile, the girl turns around.

Imogene is standing in front of her with a small box, wrapped in green paper. Holding it out towards the girl, she nods for Angeline to open it.

There in the box sat a small hand bound book, resting daintily on the velvet bottom. Staring up at the girl in front of her, Angeline pulled it out and carefully flipped through the pages.

"It's written by one of your friends. He wrote to me personally about giving you the first copy. Said it would mean a lot to you and him."

Angeline flipped to the first page, reading the inscription.

for Neil

Angeline sprung up from the couch and grabbed the girl into a tight hug.

"Happy anniversary Angeline."

and that's the end of rain and roses! i really hope you guys liked it, but i am open to any kind of feedback and opinions

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and that's the end of rain and roses! i really hope you guys liked it, but i am open to any kind of feedback and opinions. most likely i will go back through and edit a bit, maybe add in couple more scenes, but for the most part, i'm done! thank you all for reading this far and liking, commenting, and voting on my work! that really means a lot to me. much love to all,


rain and roses - steven meeksWhere stories live. Discover now