Her Name Is . . .

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Hope and Stiles laid on their bed with their daughter between them and they watched her listening to her breathe in her slumber.  It had been a two days since they got her back and everyone was dying to know her name

"So when are we going to announce her name?" Stiles asked Hope softly not wanting to disturb the baby from her slumber.

"I already asked Lydia to set something up," Hope replied.

Stiles nodded, then his phone blared loudly causing the baby to stir, and he scrambled to turn it off.  He stepped out of the room, and answered the call.

"Not a good time Freya," Stiles said.

"Did you ask her yet?"

"I was about too then you called," Stiles said frustrated.

"Okay, then get back to it then," Freya said then she hung up.

Stiles let out a sigh frustrated, and was about to go back into the room but then someone walked in who wasn't supposed to be here.

"Stiles, what are you doing in my nephews loft?" Peter Hale asked.

"Uhh it's my loft now," Stiles said,"Derek gave me the deed."

"Yeahhh no, that's not gonna work," Peter said rolling his eyes,"I'm gonna need you to leave so I can redecorate."

"No, I live here," Stiles said,"And can you please keep your voice down."

"Stiles, don't make me throw you out," Peter threatened.

"Try it and you'll find yourself falling from a very high place," Stiles warned and the lights flickered.

Then there was the sound of a baby crying, and Peter was surprised,"Is that a baby?"

Hope then walked out holding the baby,"Hey, Stiles can you take her for a moment while I make her a bottle?"

"Uhh yeah," Stiles said, taking his daughter in his arms.

Hope then noticed Peter Hale gaping at them,"Who's this?"

"Peter Hale, who was just leaving," Stiles said glaring at the werewolf.

Stiles then pushed Peter out and closed the door, and he bounced the crying baby till she calmed down, and then Hope came back with the bottle.  And after laying the baby back down in her crib, Stiles turned to Hope,"Hey, Hope I wanna ask you something."

Time Skip To Party

There were pink balloons everywhere, with a giant banner saying Welcome Baby . . . Mikaelson-Stilinski

Derek had come to town for the party, and all of the superheroes left to their own universes for their own problems.

Everyone was laughing and talking, sipping the pink lemonade.

Lizzie the official godmother was holding the baby while talking to MG, Kaleb was trying to convince Stiles to tell him the name of the little girl before the announcement, Lydia was flirting with Rafael, and Hope was talking with Malia.

Stiles looked to Hope and their eyes met and they knew it was time.

"Everyone can I have your attention please," Stiles called out while Hope took the baby from Lizzie,"I want to thank you all for coming.  We couldn't have gotten our little girl back with out you.  And we're very happy with the name we have chosen and without further ado, we would like to introduce you too . . . "

Hope continued with a smile,"Elizabeth Hayley Claudia Stilinski, in honor of her wonderful godmother that spent nine months helping us.  And both of our mothers who couldn't be here today."

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