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One Month Later

Hope stood at the stove mixing up some oatmeal in a pot, worried that she might not be doing it right.

"Is something burning?" Stiles asked peeking his head into the kitchen.

Stiles took in the sight of his girlfriend she had a bit of a bed head, and she was wearing one of his flannel shirts and a pair of boxers.  And in Stiles' mind she never looked more beautiful.

"Uhh nope," Hope said chanting a spell and the oatmeal disappeared.

Stiles noticed that she was strangely jumpy lately, but he still couldn't figure out why.

And Hope did know why.

Flashback Two Weeks Ago

Hope and Stiles finally separated for the first time in hours, both of them naked, covered in sweat, and breathing heavily.

"I just took away your virginity," Stiles realized with wide eyes.

Hope entire face went red with embarrassment, and Stiles sensing this turned to her.

"If it makes you feel any better I was a virgin too," Stiles told her.

Hope looked at him with surprise,"I thought you had an ex-girlfriend."

"We never did anything.  She was just very much into our make out sessions," Stiles told her honestly.

"So I also took away your virginity," Hope said laughing.

Stiles also laughed, and when they both calmed down they cuddled next to each other getting comfortable, and they both slept.

Fast Forward One Week Still A Flashback

"Oh no," Hope said when she looked down at the pregnancy test, and same as the other three it had a plus on it.

Tears started to fall down her face, why did this have to happen, right when she had found happiness with Stiles this had to happen.

What was she going to do?  How was she going to tell Stiles?  Is she going to keep it?  A million questions filled her brain.

She wiped her tears away, she pulled out her phone.

Hope had to tell someone, but who?  Definitely not her family because they would probably castrate Stiles on the spot.  Her mind settled on one person that she will probably regret telling.

Hope found her number and clicked on it, putting it to her ear.

It rung three times before an answer,"Hello?"

"Lizzie?" Hope said unsure.

"HOPE ANDREA MIKAELSON," Lizzie yelled over the phone,"Where the hell have you been?  We've been searching for you everywhere.  Landon has been worried sick.  Do you have any idea what you have put Dad through--."

Hope interrupted her,"Lizzie please don't tell anybody I called especially Landon."

This caused Lizzie to go silent for a moment,"What's going on?"

"I need your help?  I need you to come to Beacon Hills, California.  I can send you the address, and I'll tell you what's going on if you come," Hope said.

"You want me to go across the country, just to see you," Lizzie said making sure she got everything correct.


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