Love Bites

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"Are you sure you wanna tell him?" Hope asked as they stood in front of the Stilinski residence.

"He's going to notice something eventually like how I stopped ageing or why I'm always with you.  Besides the pack is probably going to tell him soon enough, and he should hear it from me," Stiles said as they walked hand in hand to the front door.

They walked through the front door to see the sheriff sitting at the table eating something that didn't look healthy.

"Dad what are you eating," Stiles exclaimed,"We're trying to make healthy choices remember."

"Just one time, just let me have this one thing," Stilinski muttered under his breath, before looking to his son and smiling.

"Good to see you, son.  When'd you get back?" He said getting up and hugging Stiles.

"A few hours ago," Stiles replied.

Stilinski turned to Hope,"Hope good to see you again."

Hope smiled and nodded in acknowledgement.

"Hey, dad there's something I have to tell you," Stiles said nervously.

"Stiles, we've been over this.  You're not gay."

Hope let out a laugh when she heard that but she covered it up with a cough, earning a small glare from Stiles.

"No, dad this is something else," Stiles told him slowly,"Just . . . please be open minded alright."

Stilinski crossed his arms and looked at Stiles with concern and he nodded for him to continue.

"So about a month ago when Hope came to town, there was a bit of a . . . . awakening for me.  And on the next full moon I . . . changed," Stiles told his father hesitantly.

"Are you trying to tell me your a werewolf?" Stilinski asked with concern.

"I'm a little bit more than that, dad," Stiles said, and he lifted his hand, as electricity sparked between his fingers.  

Stilinski watched awe struck, as the lights started to flicker and there was a loud clap of thunder.

"Why don't you sit down so we can explain everything," Hope offered.

Time Skip

"So your a tribrid," Stilinski said, pointing at Hope,"And your her immortal bodyguard, because she's the only one of her kind."

The sheriff sat in a chair opposite of the couch that Hope and Stiles sat on.

"Basically, yeah," Stiles answered.

"And you left because your inner animals want you to bite each other," Stilinski said making sure he got everything correct.

"Yup," Stiles said popping the p.


"Well err . . . because we've been a bit more . . . together, than normal," Stiles said stumbling on his words.

Stilinski gave his son a confused look.

And Hope decided to put Stiles out of his misery,"We're dating, and because of how close we've gotten already, our inner wolves want to claim each other by biting."

Stilinski's jaw dropped, and Stiles rubbed the back of his head nervously.

"So you two are . . . " The sheriff trailed off.

"Yeah," Stiles said slowly.

"That's it.  Stiles, I'm gonna need you to take me to eichen," Stilinski said, sarcastically before smiling,"I'm happy for both of you.  You guys are great together."

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