Gender Reveal and Prom

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"So you really don't want to go to prom?" Lizzie asked.

"Yes, I'm sure.  Me and Stiles have talked about it and I'm perfectly fine with just decorating," Hope said, while hanging up a streamer,"Plus I probably wouldn't fit in a dress."

Her belly had grown to the point only baggy clothes concealed the bump, and a dress definitely wouldn't cover it up.

"I know it just sounds kind of sad," Lizzie said.

"It's not, I just want to spend some time with my family," Hope said, placing a hand on her belly,"So I'm just staying on the couch with my ice cream and my boyfriend."

"Which ones more important the ice cream or the boyfriend," Lizzie asked sarcastically.

Hope thought for a moment,"No comment."

Change Of View

"I am the father of the kid why can't I just confirm it?" Stiles asked on the phone.

"I'm sorry sir.  Since Hope Mikaelson is the one to make the order she has to be the one to confirm it," The employee told him.

"Is there any way we can work around it?  She's a bit busy right now."

"I'm sorry we cannot, please call back when you have the mother with you," He said before ending the call.

"I told you it wouldn't work," MG said from his place on the couch.

"It's a stupid cake," Stiles said frustrated,"Why can't they just give me a stupid cake."

"A stupid cake that happens to reveal the gender of your unborn child that Hope wants to be a surprise," Rafael said listening to their conversation.

"Well unless one of you happen to have a spot on impression of Hope, please be quiet."

They thought for a moment, before MG spoke up making his voice higher as an attempt to sound like Hope,"Hi my name is Hope and I have the best boyfriend in the whole freaking world."

"No no your not doing it right her voice is more smooth and her voice isn't that high," Raf said before trying to make his own impression,"My name is Hope and I'm a tribrid."

MG disagreed and now they were arguing with each other with their high voices.

"What the hell is going on?" Kaleb asked walking into the room, seeing the terrible impressions of Hope.

"They're trying to see who has the best impression of Hope," Stiles told him starting to think it was hopeless.

Kaleb thought for a moment before making his own imitation,"Hi my name is Hope Andrea Mikaelson and I'm the worlds greatest bad ass," He said sounding almost exactly like Hope.

They gaped at the vampire for a moment before Stiles rushed to his side dialing a number and putting it to his ear,"Okay now I need you to say 'My name is Hope Mikaelson and I'm confirming the purchase of the cake I ordered and my incredibly sexy boyfriend is going to pick it up.'"

Kaleb repeated what Stiles said minus the 'incredibly sexy' part.

Change Of View

"We need to throw the biggest at-home prom the world has ever seen," Lizzie told her sister,"It's just to sad to know that Stiles and Hope aren't going just because Hope is a little bigger than normal."

"Didn't Hope specifically say not too," Josie said trying to reason with her sister.

"What I've leaned about Hope Mikaelson in the many years that I've know her, is that she usually means the opposite of what she says," Lizzie said confidently,"And I happen to have hired the biggest party planner this small town has to offer.  Lydia Martin."

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