Three Months

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It was the second month of Hope being pregnant and she found out morning sickness is a myth, it's actually anytime of the day sickness.  She was currently at the toilet throwing her lunch up, with Stiles holding her hair back.

Hope groaned as she leaned back from the toilet,"This is all your fault," Hope grumbled at Stiles.

Stiles sat down next to her handing her a cup of water,"Yeah, well you weren't complaining at the time," Stiles said in a attempt to get her to laugh.

"I'm complaining now," Hope said glaring at Stiles, as she finished the water.

"Anything I could do to help?" Stiles offered.

"Throw out all of Lizzie's perfume," Hope said leaning her head on Stiles' shoulder.

"Not gonna happen," Lizzie shouted through the bathroom door.

"I'm gonna die," Hope stated feeling a few tears slip out her eyes.

"Your not gonna die," Stiles reassured her,"Come on let's get you out of here," Stiles said lifting her bridal style opening the bathroom door, where Lizzie was waiting.

"Here drink this," Lizzie told Hope, thrusting a cup of orange juice into her hands,"It's supposed to be good for the baby.  Something about vitamin d and a bunch of other stuff."

Hope downed it in one gulp, as Stiles put her back on the couch.

Things had been going well so far except for the morning sickness, they had told Stiles' dad at first he was angry than disappointed than happy, than he showed Stiles how to put a condom on with a banana, which was embarrassing.  Hope and Stiles still went to school while Lizzie remained at the house.  There had been a few monsters but nothing they couldn't handle.

Time Skip One Month

"STILES GET ME MY DAMN FRIED CHICKEN," Hope screamed at the top of her lungs.

"Okay, okay," Stiles said scrambling around to get the bucket from KFC,"Here you are."

"Thank you," Hope said grabbing a piece from the bucket and dipping it in the peanut butter jar and eating it whole.

Third month and Hope was craving nothing but fried chicken and peanut butter.

"Sorry for yelling at you," Hope said mouth full.

"It's okay,"Stiles said reassuring her,"Coach still yells at me all the time."

"Can we go to bed now?" Hope asked after finishing her meal.

Stiles smiled,"Of course come on," Stiles helped her up and they both laid down on the bed.

"Please hold me," Hope asked.

Stiles wrapped his arms around her pulling her closer, placing a hand on her belly.  And they both drifted off.

Hope opened her eyes feeling the warm arms of Stiles still around her.  She smiled at him still sleeping, not wanting to wake him up she gently extricated herself from his arms.

Hope went out the door and to the bathroom she looked at herself in the mirror, she lifted her shirt to look at her belly.

And she noticed it . . . on her belly there was a small bump.  Very small but still noticeable.

"Stiles," Hope shouted eyes wide.

Stiles stumbled into the bathroom immediately,"Is something wrong?" Stiles asked looking at her worried checking her for injuries.

"I have a small bump," Hope said smiling, looking down at her belly.

Stiles eyes widened and looked down at her belly where her hands were.  He put his own hands on her stomach to see the bump.

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