Full Moon

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"Are you sure about this?" Stiles asked Hope as they pulled up to the school.

"Yeah . . . I haven't really attended much public school so it'll be good for a change," Hope said trying to convince herself.

"Okay," Stiles said not very sure.

They both hopped out of the jeep, and most of the students were surprised to see Stiles of all people arrive with a beautiful woman.

Stiles guided her to the front office, where they got her schedule.  They were both surprised to see that their schedules were almost exactly the same the only difference being Hope having an art class while Stiles had lacrosse.

The day went by quickly Stiles and Hope sat next to each other every class.

Lunch finally came, Stiles brought his own lunch and Hope went in line for food.

When Hope started walking to the table Stiles was sitting at, somebody stuck there foot out causing Hope to trip, and stumble.

Hope's tray went up into the air as she started to fall, but Stiles was there instantly wrapping an arm around her waist holding her steady, while his other hand caught the tray and all the food.

Hope's tray went up into the air as she started to fall, but Stiles was there instantly wrapping an arm around her waist holding her steady, while his other hand caught the tray and all the food

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Everyone turned and saw what Stiles had done, they looked at him with wide eyes.  Stiles was shocked as well at what he had just done.

"You okay?" Stiles asked Hope.

"Y-yeah," Hope said recovering from her shock, and she realized he had some how made it across the cafeteria in less than a second.

They decided to just leave it alone, for now and continue the rest of the school day.

When they had a free period Stiles went to the library where the rest of the pack was, but he sat at a different table as them opening a book on mythical creatures he found.

His eyes went to a small passage about a creature made of lightning.

The creature was a protector, a guardian of a rare supernatural creatures, they are bonded to one creature their entire lives protecting them from any dangers that could be a threat to them.

Stiles suddenly got a splitting headache, he hunched over grabbing his head.  Stiles' eyes glowed bright blue and the lights flickered.

The pack looked around at the lights.  Before giving Kira a pointed look.

"It's not me," Kira said, defending herself.

The lights went out leaving them in total in darkness.

Stiles not noticing the lights gone out, shot up from his seat, weaving around the panicking the people.

Stiles leaned against the lockers clutching his head, his eyes burned blue, as he crouched down feeling his head pound.

Stiles felt a hand placed on his shoulder, and the pain in his head calmed, his eyes turning back to normal.

Stiles looked up to see Hope standing over him,"Are you alright?" She asked concerned.

"Yeah just got a headache," he said after a moment of silence.

Stiles picked himself up off of the floor, and they continued the rest of the school day.

Soon school ended, and Hope and Stiles drove home.  As soon as Stiles walked into the house he went to the fridge pulling out the large jug of milk, draining half of it in three seconds.

"So what do you want to do tonight?" Stiles asked wiping the milk from his mouth.

"I wanna go for a run, it's been a while since I've done that," Hope said, her wolf wanting to be free, especially on the full moon.

Stiles nodded, and Hope went into her room to change into something easier to slip out of when she got to the woods.

Hope left going to the forest.  When she finally got there she slipped out of her athletic clothes, putting them in a hole in a tree.  Hope took a deep breath, feeling her wolf growl deep with in her.  And Hope finally let it out, shifting into a white wolf.  Hope took off running, feeling the adrenaline pumping in her veins.

Stiles had about thirty minutes till he had to go to the pack meeting so he looked in the fridge for food, he was unusually hungry today so he ordered a pizza and placed last nights leftovers in the microwave.

After filling his belly to the brim, he looked at the time on his phone.  Stiles left his house to go to the pack meeting.

Stiles soon arrived, at the old hale house where the meeting was taking place.

Stiles opened the burnt door and saw everyone there.

"Hey guys what's up?"

"Stiles,"Scott started looking sad,"We're kicking you out of the pack, your not supernatural like us.  And you only get in the way."

Stiles eyes widened as he heard the words leave Scott's mouth, than he got angry.

Stiles turned to leave, but hi arm was grabbed by Scott, Stiles flung Scott off him sending him crashing into the opposite wall.  Surprising everyone there.

Stiles growled at the pack, making them look fearfully at him.

Stiles left them alone pondering at why he was able to do that to Scott.

Stiles went back home not caring about the speed limit.  When he crashed through his front door he got a splitting headache.  Stiles cried out from the pain, clutching his head before falling to the ground, he looked at his hands watching the sharp claws come from his finger tips.  His bones started to break, making Stiles scream.  He closed his eyes hoping the pain would go away but it didn't.  Stiles felt something else course through his body, the only way he could describe it was lightning.  It crackled with in him filling him with power.  Electricity came off him scorching the ground around him.  Stiles clawed at the ground as grey fur grew from his body.

Soon Stiles was no longer human, in his place stood a blue eyed grey wolf.  The wolf howled lightning coursing through it's body as it took off running out of the house.

Hope was running through the woods in wolf form when she was tackled to the side.  She looked up to see what had hit her to see a monster from Malivore.

It was covered with scales, eyes glowed bright red.  And it snarled at her.  Hope snarled back, about to pounce but the creature was soon thrown away from her by an unseen force.

Hope only saw a flash of lightning and the creature was thrown again, the creature looked around fearfully, looking for any sign of the attacker.  A bolt of lightning came from behind Hope incinerating the creature.

Hope turned back to human form and turned around to see a grey wolf, looking at her with bright blue eyes.

Hope cautiously approached the wolf feeling the power come off of it.

"Who are you?" she questioned.

The wolf looked at her with blue eyes, then she heard the sound of bones cracking, and soon it was Stiles standing there, blue eyes fading back to brown.

"Hope?" Stiles said before collapsing to the ground.

(A/N) Wow what do you think Stiles is please comment.

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