Chapter 6 - But Now I Am An Expert, In Mathematics.

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Rakshit's POV

I hurried through the energetic streets of my city. The plants went to bed and the street lamps woke up from their deep slumber.

God knows what surprise all of them have planned. I just hope it's not a thing that will be a rope tied to my neck. 

Or worst, I hope it's not a girl, and they will force me to marry her. Though I want to marry, but not in such a scramble. The one who will,

Make butterflies swing in your stomach, your heart won't listen to you and encompass a marathon, your ears and cheeks would turn red symbolizing that you are flushing, the romantic melody would be played in the environment and all the creatures would rush through your veins making goosebumps rise on your epidermis. (Well, this is what my friends tell me about 'Love')

So coated!  (My reaction. What do you all think?)

It's true!


You won't understand. Fall in love first, then you'll remember me, that while retreating home from the cafe, on the day you pranked everyone, that your conscience had reported you this.

I snubbed it and parking my combat bomber, I went inside to find freaking Shikhar and Divya! They were in Australia!!!! 

" Helloo Rakku!"  Divya said forcing me to narrow my eyes at her and as soon as she hugged me, I imperceptibly slapped on her cheek for calling me Rakku. 

" Good Evening Bhai!"  Shikhar announced and I hugged him tightly.

Well, Divya is Shikhar's girlfriend and my soon-to-be sister-in-law and crime-in partner to aggravate him.

" You guys were in Australia na? Yaha Kaise aana Hua?"  I projected a question at them as they sank into the sofa and placing the bike's key in its place and grabbing a glass of water from the table, I sat with them.

" To inform about that only I had called you when we were at the airport,  but then Shikhi said let's give you surprise, so we boarded the flight and when you called me the phone was switched off for the same reason. Actually, I have a show down here, so we came." Divya said grinning giddily.

" That only I was thinking how did you decide to show up without any reason." I mocked her narrowing my eyes at her.

" Aee Rakshit, don't say anything to my girl! She's busy these days!" Mom and dad descended from the spiral staircase and mom hollered with a sarcastic grin. Gaya tu Rakshit!

" Of course Of course!" Said Shikhar aligning himself upon the sofa.

" Hello, Mom! Hello dad!" I smiled at them tensely as they reconciled themselves on the sofa.

" O Rakshit, I thought of you as a matured man, but you are still a baby boy!" Dad said narrowing his eyes at me. And Divya and Shikhar suddenly became all interested in this matter. I glared at them and looked at dad confused.

" What's wrong dad?"

" What is wrong?? Ask me what is not wrong! Everything is Wrong! Huh!" He exclaimed showing off his drama talents.

" Will you please explain briefly dad?"

" I lost the bet to Mahima! Huh!"

" Bet? What bet!" Divya asked laughing with mom.

" It was a bet, that if you are supposing a prank on us, Mahima will triumph and if you were actually serious about this relation, I will win the bet. But you pranked on us, and *sigh* I lost the bet to Mahima! Just because of you!"  He exclaimed eyeing me.

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