Part II| Good Hearts Get Mislead

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"I guess he stole your heart, but I see he broke it too. That's something I would never do. If only you would walk away and be without the shadows left by him. He never loved you anyway. I wish that you would break and let me in." —Darin.

Chapter Theme Song: 'Surrender' by Darin.


Third-person POV

Hey Blaze, I came back to my dorm. I hated the concert; it was just too loud. You can swing by when you're finished. Maybe we could watch a movie.

Harmony quickly types the message before pressing send, hoping Blaze will see it soon enough. Kite showing up had thrown off her entire mood, and she is no longer interested in the concert. She believes spending time at the dorm with Blaze will be more appealing than being around envious stares and a guy who does not know when to give up.

Lately, things have been going so well with Blaze, and she does not want to mess it all up.

Opening her silver laptop, she begins skimming through Netflix for a movie. She finds herself contemplating horror films, something she wouldn't normally do, but Blaze likes them, and she enjoys watching his amused facial expression while the horrifying scenes play out.

Maybe she's slowly becoming a Sociopath as well?

Her stomach roars from hunger, and immediately she begins to regret rejecting Yuna's fried chicken offer. Being the kind-hearted person she is, she just did not want to be a bother to them.

She postpones her search and gets up from the bed, making her way to the small kitchen in the room to get herself a snack.

She settles with a bag of Doritos and a glass of Lemonade. The red snack only pulls her mind back to Blaze, and the sour drink reminds her of when he had kissed her under that maple tree earlier.

Her face colors to a deep scarlet. She misses him already.

Instantly, there is a knock on the door, and with a broad smile on her gentle face, Harmony puts her meal on the bedside table and eagerly gets up to answer it.

It has to be him.

She encloses her hand around the knob and pulls the door open. But it isn't who she wants it to be.

To her complete dismay, Maddie is standing at the door with an uneven smile dangling on her round face.

Her terrifying second visit flashes before Harmony's mind, and she clutches onto the door tightly, pulling it closer to the side of her body.

"What-what do you want?"

Maddie beams and lifts the bottle of liquor she's holding in her hand. "To celebrate."

Harmony narrows her eyes untrustingly. "Celebrate what?"

The slimmer girl shrugs her shoulders, whipping her hair from her eyes. "To celebrate the fact that I am finally getting over Blaze Xander."

Harmony blinks her eyes in confusion, not uttering a word, and Maddie takes the opportunity to continue.

"Yeah. I know it sounds impossible but I met a guy recently, and he likes me a lot. I told him about my past and everything about Blaze. He wants to help me through it all. We have been friends for a while now, and he just confessed to me today." She half-smiles.

Harmony is not sure if she should believe that, but even if it's the truth, why does she feel the need to come here and tell her that? After what happened the other night with her forcing her to try that sharp hairpin, Harmony prefers not to be around this girl. Clearly, she is a little unstable.

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