You're Leaving With Me

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"I never meant to bruise your heart." —Alex & Sierra.

Chapter Theme Song: 'You Will Find Me' by Alex & Sierra.

A/N: Lovee that song :)



The night air stings my cheeks and burns my nostrils as Blaze pulls me with him to the backyard, his hold on my wrist so tight that it is almost painful.

"Stop it, that hurts!" I whine, the alcohol causing my voice to sound dragged and squeaky.

He releases me once we are at the pool deck and I almost stumble on shaky feet but manage to hold myself upright. I hiss while rubbing my wrist and he pushes his hair back from his forehead as he puffs air from his cheeks.

"Seriously Harmony, never knew you were the type to dance on guys at a party."

My body jolts as I hiccup, my brain barely comprehending the words coming from his mouth. I salivate my lips and shove my curly hair back from my forehead, trying to make out his blurry face.

"Why'd you stop me?" I grumble. "I was dancing and having fun, why do you have to be such a party pooper!"

His eyes narrow to slits and he is in fact very much taken aback by my unusual choice of words. He steps toward me and puts his nose to my mouth. "Did you drink, Harmony?"

I laugh loudly and pinch my thumb and index finger together for visual. "Just... a tiny bit." I bounce in my stance, and he frowns.

"This is definitely not a tiny bit." He rests his hands on his waists and sighs. "I told you not to drink when I am not around. See? you ground on someone while his frigging mouth was nibbling on your neck like a vampire."

I step away from him, chuckling hysterically like an insane person and Blaze just stands there looking at me.

"What? Are you mad that I didn't grind on you this time?"

His lips form a straight line at my words and he now looks genuinely angry.

"Because Kite felt just as good as you did when I ground on him!" I giggle, tumbling over again when he grabs onto my arm tightly, his forehead creased in irritation.

"Stop talking rubbish. I am taking you back to the dorms."

He turns away with me to walk off, but I stubbornly pull my arm away, almost tripping over my own two feet. "Do not!"

He turns to me exhaustedly. "Harmony."

"Don't pull me with you, that's hard for me alright?!"

Suddenly, I am so emotional that cold tears are streaming down my face. The alcohol is giving me a series of emotions that I have no control over. I felt hyperactive a second ago, but now I am crying my eyes out and I can't tell what set it off. Blaze must be thinking I am crazy, but he doesn't look surprised by the abrupt shift in emotions.

He sighs. "You seriously need some rest, Harmony."

"No, I know what you want!" I screech, then I hiccup and speak again. "You want to take me back to the dorms where you can be alone with me and then I fall under your charm like an idiot and you touch me then leave the next morning without a note! Then lie that you left your toothbrush!"

He runs a hand over his face. "Harmony. Let's just go back to Homewood."

He reaches a hand out to grasp me but I step back and continue my drunken rant.

"Then the next day you give me that cute smile..." I swallow. "That cute smile where your dimples go like this..." I sink my fingers in my cheeks to form holes, and Blaze wants to smile but pushes it back and sighs instead.

"Then I am all yours again!" I yell. "Because I am so...stupid and..."

A wave of vertigo hits me, and I almost lose my footing, but he walks swiftly toward me and holds me up against his chest.

"You drank way too much..." He mumbles, and then he sighs and puts a hand under my legs while the other supports my back, easily lifting me into his strong arms. My hands reflexively snake around his neck and my chest crams up against his.

My eyes are wide as I look up into the deep blue pits of his orbs.

"Put me down..." I order softly.

"I will after we are back at the dorms."


"I am not going back to the dorms alone with you!" I object, fighting to be released but he is way too strong, not budging an inch.

"I want to leave with April!" I say as he turns around with me and walks back to the door that leads to the party inside. "Let me down, I want to leave with April!"

"No, you are leaving with me Harmony, you have had enough for the night."

I must be really drunk because I have no idea how I ended up inside his white Mercedes, sitting in the passenger's seat and staring through the windshield glass with tear-stained cheeks and a blank face.

"Okay, thanks." Blaze gets off the phone and looks over at me. "Yuna will take your purse back for you."

I cross my arms and look out the window. "I don't want to leave with you."

"Yeah well, I don't want Kite to take you back either." He mutters under his breath, but I am too drunk to hear.

I lay my head against his seat, keeping my face away from him as he starts up his engine and drives off.

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