Part II| I'll Save You From Yourself

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"What I'm desperate to feel is just out of my reach." —McKenna Breinholt.

Chapter Theme Song: 'Save Me' by McKenna Breinholt.

A/N: Please listen to the above song! :)



"Are you feeling better?" April checks as we make our way from our dorm room to head to class.

It is Monday, and I would usually feel crabby on this day of the week. However, that isn't the case this morning. I am genuinely contented now that Blaze and I are back on the same page.

April took my stuff back for me while my mom drove me to Homewood yesterday. I was secretly disappointed about that, wanting to ride with Blaze instead. I saw that he wanted that too, but I didn't want to show any form of attachment to him with my mom being around. She sees everything, and I am still edgy about that moment she almost caught us canoodling on the hospital bed.

"Yeah, I am." I smile as April brings a hand up to rub my back comfortingly.

"Brilliant. We were all so worried about you yesterday. Especially Kite."

At the mention of his name, I writhe unnoticeably, deciding to ignore the discomfort it gives. "It was just a fever, so the doctor gave me some medicine."

"Well, thank God. I am glad you're fine."

"Good morning." A voice comes from behind us, paired with an arm coiling around my neck. "Special good morning to you, Harmony."

"Blaze, you don't creep up behind two walking females indulging in a conversation; you may get elbowed in the rib cage." April deadpans, and I chuckle softly.

He smells good. As if he just jumped straight out of the shower only seconds ago. I take in the scent of his deodorant as he pulls me closer to his side.

"I think I can take an elbow in the rib cage, considering I handled being burnt with a hot fork before."

That is sad but true...but very sad.

April and I trade sympathetic gazes, and Blaze sees the exchange and frowns. "Don't look at each other like that. I don't pity myself, so there is no need to pity me."

Among the students filing through the aisle, a lad is passing by us with a carton of muffins in his hands. Blaze removes his arm from around me, and April and I halt our strides as he reaches his hand over and grabs a cupcake from the box. The guy wearing huge spectacles looks at him disapprovingly.

"You can't. It's for my Scouts Club."

"Oh yeah? Well, pretend I am a part of it then." Blaze says before taking a bite out of the cake.

I scrunch my brows together, and the kid looks livid. I can tell he wants to say something else, but Blaze lifts his eyebrows challengingly, urging him to speak. Defeated, the boy looks away timidly and continues his journey down the hallway.

April swats Blaze's arm, and he winces. "That was a very 'bully' thing to do." She shakes her head, and I couldn't agree more. That was very mean.

"Bully? When since sharing becomes bullying?" He looks genuinely confused, and his cousin blows out a pitiful sigh.

"You are completely hopeless, Blaze Xander."

"I tell my Dad that every time." Is his retort, having no hint of remorse on his face.

"Anyway, see you two later, my class is this way." She points in the opposite direction, and I lift my hand in a wave as she walks away.

"Now to boring English. It'd be better if someone puts a rope around my neck and push me off a chair." Blaze stretches out the half-eaten cupcake to me, and I shake my head, giggling at his comment.

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