Defiance of Nature

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"Lips meet teeth and tongue. My heart skips eight beats at once." —Billie Eilish.

Chapter Theme Song: 'Watch' by Billie Eilish. (Love this song so much :)


Third-person POV

Harmony feels as though the world is standing still as his lips finally meet hers. The flutter in her heart greatly intensifies at how warm and soft he feels against her mouth. Her eyes are squeezed shut to avoid all possible distractions. This is her first kiss; it's a sacred moment for her and she needs to savor in every bit of it. Though this isn't how she imagined it to be like.

They say 'he who kisses with his eyes open, isn't feeling at all,' well the saying has to be legit since Blaze's eyes are currently half-opened, watching her in satisfaction. Her lips are just as delicate as she looks and he's very much aware that she has never kissed anyone before him since when he nudges her bottom lip with his tongue, she refuses to grant him access. He decides she isn't ready for that and keeps the kiss at a modest rate, even though that isn't something he normally practices.

He is a ball of ferocity when it comes to sex and intimacy. For him, it is all or nothing. Pecks and smoothies don't necessarily cut it for him; they're too simple, too mild. But he has to contain himself so as to not chase this petite girl away. He has seen how often she runs from him as if he's some scary phantom.

He breaks the kiss slowly, observing her with a faint smile as she gradually opens her eyes. His face is still close to hers as she softly breathes through her mouth, still in a state of shock that they had just connected lips. Blaze gives her some time to gather her senses back since it appears that she's addlepated at the moment.

"Was that your first kiss?" He checks, and she nods her head hesitantly, feeling slightly cynical about admitting to that. Some people would think it ludicrous to have never been kissed at the age of eighteen. She is not sure if Blaze is of that same belief, but what she is certain of though is that he has given countless women their first kiss. She is not the first and probably won't be the last.

"I can tell," he whispers, and she lightly sucks her lower lip in, a burn rising in her throat.

Then Blaze notices something he wasn't expecting. Her eyes begin to gather moisture; thick, glittering teardrops frothing within her vulnerable circles.

He tilts his head with interest, watching as she rubs them away with the back of her hand.

"Why are you crying?"

Her tiny shoulders lift in a shrug as her round face becomes red and wet. "I-I don't's just a special moment for me, I guess."

Blaze stares at her silently. He has a lot to learn. He has never experienced a girl crying because she just had her first kiss.

"It was special to you?" He asks, referring to her first act of intimacy.

She nods her head, sniveling as she wipes more tears away. "Yes. It meant the world to me."

He inspects her quietly. Did it mean that much to her that she even shed tears? For someone like him it's strange, he can't pinpoint the last time he cried genuine tears.

And then it happens. A small poke of guilt, not much, but it is evident enough for him to have recognized it. His forehead puckers as he drops his gaze, wondering where the hell that odd feeling came from. However, swift as it came, it left, and now a strong feeling of accomplishment settles within him. He just attained her first kiss and he is excited to see what else he can do to corrupt this righteous angel sitting in front of him.

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